Kieran Freeborough Personal Training
Home Page for Kieran Freeborough Personal Training, links to my social media outlets, email, and fitness and nutrition related posts about what im doing
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facebook.comSmolov Week 6 - 1RM Week, Judgement Day | kieranfreeboroughpt
Week six of my smolov review series, and its starting to get interesting on the squat front (Y) . 1RM testing week woop woop.. Time to power up.!Smolov-Week-6-1RM-Week-Judgement-Day/clfr/57163faa0cf2b05e61f51be8
Periodization for Progression - #1 Traditional Periodization | kieranfreeboroughpt!Periodization-for-Progression-1-Traditional-Periodization/clfr/570b46750cf21d11795692ed Just a little information on tradtional/linear periodization when desiring progression. :) hope its helpful :)
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Anyone else ?
Smolov Week 5 - Nearly Time For A Breather | kieranfreeboroughpt
Week fives review of the Smolov squat program i am following :) very rewarding but at this point it was on another level.!Smolov-Week-5-Nearly-Time-For-A-Breather/clfr/570603770cf2ecf50ee6c081
First time doing this weight for multiple reps. Wpuld say v comfy. Makes me v happy to see increases in technique. Mobility. And weight. Depth check ✅ great work more to follow.
New weight loss secret. Personal trainers HATE him for it. if only it was like this... (Y)
Smolov Week 4 - Just Breathe, that's the key, Keep breathing | kieranfreeboroughpt
Reviewing a squat program, week 4 written up (Y) . Smolov Review, How week 4 of the program went (in short, got used to jelly legs)!Smolov-Week-4-Just-Breathe-thats-the-key-Keep-breathing/clfr/56f10ceb0cf225c3be48dc51
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End of easter weekend.. how many people are feeling like this haha
Kieran Freeborough Personal Training
Photos from Kieran Freeborough Personal Training's post
Sugar tax in 2018.. will it solve anything against obesity ? in my opinion.. No... click the link to see why, though i warn you, its a long post..!The-Sugar-Tax-My-Opinion-On-Sugar-and-obesity/clfr/56eb01200cf2fe2cd53ceac9 (Note graphs in images are only upto 2010, obesity % has continued to rise)
Why Cant I Lose Fat As Easy As Other People - Potential Reason #3 Your Impatient |...
Another reason your struggling for progress? could be your own impatience..!Why-Cant-I-Lose-Fat-As-Easy-As-Other-People-Potential-Reason-3-Your-Impatient/clfr/56dee0530cf20a3057770d8a
Mechanisms Of Training #1 Super compensation and the Importance Of Rest | kieranfreeboroughpt
Understanding why training has the effects it does, a very simplistic look at one aspect!Mechanisms-Of-Training-1-Super-compensation-and-the-Importance-Of-Rest/clfr/56e69b040cf2bdd8ba4d88b5