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25 Chaloner Road, West Wickham, United Kingdom
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Nikki Thomsit BHSII and RWYM Level 2 Coach, freelance riding instructor; biomechanics coaching; dressage and showjumping training; longlining; hacking out  I am 36 years old and have 18 years teaching experience with a wide range of clients, including riding club competitors, pony club children, happy hackers and county level show riders

I specialise in adjusting the rider’s biomechanics to improve the horse’s movement.  This basically means changing the rider’s position and how they use their body to cause better performance in the horse.  

This includes getting control of speed and steering, working the horse in a correct outline and preventing unwanted behaviour.

If a round dressage outline is eluding you, or you’ve reached a good level and got stuck on a plateau, I can help you find the key to unlocking your horse’s potential.

My particular success is boosting confidence in nervous riders so that riding becomes fun rather than terrifying.

