Booty Fitness Zumba Birmingham
Fitness classes with results in Sutton Coldfield Solihull Water Orton Castle Bromwich please visit to find your nearest class.
All Classes £5.00 special offers available - ask at class or visit for special offers
6.30pm Monday Water Orton Zumba+Tone
7.30pm Monday Water Orton Kettlebell+Cardio
6.00pm Tuesday Castle Bromwich Clubbercise
6.15pm Thursday Water Orton Kettlebell+Cardio
7.15pm Thursday Water Orton Clubbercise
Castle Bromwich Junior School, Hurst Lane North, Castle Bromwich B36 OHD
The Link New Road Water Orton B46 1QU
Classes £5.00 Re-usable glowsticks are £3.00
OR SAVE with our VIP offers at
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS*** classes cancelled *** ❄️Due to weather❄️tonight's classes are cancelled at the link. Sorry for inconvenience but we need to consider your safety. Stay inside and keep warm and we will see you on Monday
💓 sorry tonight's classes are now cancelled due to weather, hope to see you Monday 😘 Get your kit & JOIN Rebecca - Come at 6.15pm for kettles or 7.15pm for Clubbercise tonight in Water Orton 💓Are you ready ? Hi there, I'm back from my break and fully charged. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Tina and Barry for covering classes and hope you all enjoyed them! So..... Come to keep fit in Water Orton tonight 6.15pm toning and fat burning at kettles ideal for all fitness levels 7.15pm cardio class in a disco effect room - feel more confident and less self conscious Effective and easy to follow classes See you later Rebecca
😍 All classes on this week & if U have kids please read😍 -
Remember to check in at class for a Chance to win a FREE class Last weeks winners for checking in to our Facebook page..... Judith McCann and Hanna Smith, Monday's winner was Mandy Doughty Congrats ! xwe look forward to seeing you for your FREE class. Click below to find out how.......
Last weeks winners for checking in to our Facebook page..... Judith McCann and Hanna Smith, we look forward to seeing you this week for your FREE class, Congrats both xx
😍 FREE Fitness Class..... Read how 😍 -
Thursday's Fitness classes at Water Orton LINK 6.15pm Kettle + Hiit OR 7.15pm Clubbercise BOTH ideal for beginners or advanced as options are given. Come and join us....