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Bring Back Guys Cliffe

Coventry Road, Warwick, United Kingdom
Nonprofit Organization



Dedicated to helping the restoration work of Guys Cliffe House  When legends fade...
Long, long ago when the world moved at a gentler pace the land and greenwoods harboured special places, evocative retreats where certain delights of nature stirred the soul...
Guy’s Cliffe is one such place and it blossomed from such humble beginnings to have an Oratory founded here in the 5th Century and thereon it afforded shelter to the legendary 10th Century Guy of Warwick, resident chantry priests also made their home here in the middle ages amongst whom was the noted 15th Century antiquarian John Rous whose history the site is now mostly lost. Latterly the famous Georgian actress Sarah Siddons stayed here often in the welcoming bosom of the Greatheed family, who along with the succeeding Percy family did further embellish the location to see it become a country manor of some worth and intrigue...
Ultimately and sadly though it ended up somewhat slighted for it suffered greatly at the hands of negligence and fire, but all was not lost... Its present owners rescued the 15th Century Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene and ancillary rooms in the 1970’s armed with limited resources but bountiful determination.
Now the outer grounds need that same commitment and attention and indeed the determination is there but our resources are few... We really need your help!
Principally with this appeal we hope with your contributions to address two areas of Guy’s Cliffe.
The first is at the foot of the buildings aside the river Avon and is known as The Lower Walks, the second is an upper cliff area that has lost its walkway and where it is said Felice the wife of Guy of Warwick strode back in the 10th Century, therefore this area is known as Fair Felice’s Walk in her honour.

On the Lower Walk two pathways existed along its length that were straddled with ornamental planting to supplement the delightfulness of the areas' aspect. Along the cliff's rise here are the cave of Guy of Warwick and its odd neighbourly hollows together with the mysterious Cloisters cavern, further still is the old pump house, a subterranean water cave and the alcoves of the cliff gallery. Evidence of subterranean workings and possibly a sub-basement level in the rock also exist, tempting exploration, but they are blocked by great mounds of post WWII partial demolition and 1992 fire demolition piles.
The Lower Walk area is itself a Site of Special Scientific Interest resplendent with the rise of the cliff along its length, laying bare its alluring, ancient geological features.
It is an area we hope you agree needs to find its former glory and be given regular access to. We have with the help of Natural England begun to address the issue of restoring this unique spot, much clearing of the invasive Japanese Bamboo has occurred, a small footpath has been put in and the doors of the pump house re-instated.
Bigger hurdles now face us though for we need to clear the large debris piles, grade and plant out the land and possibly install a large cliff-side ramp to go up to and meet Fair Felice’s Walk and thus afford access for all visitors and machinery relating to ongoing maintenance.
By doing this another aspect of Guy’s Cliffe will return to be enjoyed by many and as part of the hire of the site as a whole it may go on to contribute towards the future restoration of even the great house itself, but importantly we will have righted one wrong from a disregarding past’s many blunders.


Some amazing donations coming in we have just received these such a lovely thought a massive range from home made chutney baskets, salt lamps, crystals and of course a few bottles of alcohol we still need many many more donations we still have a fair way to go but thank you very much to all of you that have made donations so far we can’t thank you all enough

The location is available for hire, By hiring the location your funds go to restoring this location. Available for photography shoots, Guided tours, birthday, hen, stag parties, please contact or telephone 07504 270880

This Sunday its Volunteer Day again here from 11am. Please come along if you spare an hour or two we are still working on the lower walk, however we are making great progress. Hope to see you there. Guy`s Cliffe Coventry Road, Warwick, CV34 5YD email

Thank you to Paranormal Eye UK for organizing last night and raising funds for the restoration, Over £150 raised on the raffles alone from last night. We really hope that 2018 you will all see the difference in all the work that we are achieving thanks to everyone that helps in raising funds. If you would like to get involved in Fundraising for this location please get in touch !

Do you have unwanted gifts? Would you like to help a charity? I am looking for donations for various Raffles I will be hold for ‘bring back Guys Cliffe’. We hold raffles at all our events but we are running out of donations anything will be considered. If you have a spare bottle of wine hiding under the cupboard or an unwanted gift set from Christmas that you would like to donate please feel free to get in contact. Many thanks for reading

Do you like acting? Would you like to help raise money for charity? If yes I need you. I’m looking for between 5-17 people who would be interested in playing a part in a Mystery Murder Night. This will be on a voluntary basis. We will be selling tickets for the night and inviting the public to come and investigate the murder by questioning you all before deciding who the killer is. This will be fundraising for Bring back Guys Cliffe. If you feel you can help please get in touch and please also share the post for me. Thanks

A big thank you to the wonderful guys for arranging the hot buffet for the New Years Eve fundraising event. For all your catering requirements please find their details on their facebook page.

Good Morning, what a lovely sunny yet chilly start to this Thursday Morning, We are looking forward to seeing you all shortly. Can you please help we are in desperate need of garden rakes. Garden Spades, Bags of building sand, sweeping brushes, garden gloves, kneeling pads and hanging baskets if you can donate/ gift any please get in touch Guys Cliffe, Coventry Road, Warwick CV34 5YD Tele 07504 270880 We are also looking for volunteers to help with the general maintenance of this historical location, if you have a spare hour or two a week again come in and see us.

We hope that you have all had a great Christmas, Our Volunteering day is going ahead tomorrow from 10am. We have lots of jobs see you all tomorrow


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