PeaceQuiet® a temple for inner surrender and tranquility. We use Tantra Massage, Advita Self Enquiry as essential tools for Meditation and Self Discovery. Tantra Temple
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PeaceQuiet® is a private little temple in Warwick. Here we are trained qualified and specialised in Tantra Massage and Advaita Meditation. We support men and women that are going through emotional hurdle or have genuine questions and concerns with their inner state and awareness 'spirituality'. Although we often refer to teachings offered by modern and ancient sages, we insist on maintaining a totally non-religious view and a completely non-religious approach to our methodology and our way of life. We follow and promote religiousness of being, not religion, by Temple, we mean a space allocated for genuine Eastern Massage and well established Eastern Meditation. We use Tantra massage and Advaita Meditation as tools for awareness and celebration of peacefulness, joyfulness, happiness, blissfulness... As tantra practitioner, we traditionally point to the pure essence of each and every moment. We reacquaint our self with the beautiful flavour of our day to day life. What we advocate is simple. A tantra Massage and Mediation session is an opportunity to teach and share wonderful tools and teachings which have been handed down to us by our masters and teachers. What Shakti Verah does and is today is the fruit of her dedication to years of learning not only the massage - the meditation skills but also learning the ways of the pure and the absolute self. This is precisely of Shakti Verah has to share with you today. Shakti Verah found and registered PeaceQuiet® in the United Kingdom making this a legitimate Temple raised to offer and honour legitimate tools to a public eager to know the truth and deprived of such truth. Shakti is committed to every and each one who seeks peace and quiet, peace and love, happiness and tranquillity and she brings people to the direct understanding of what that is. There are many in numbers that misunderstand the validity and the use of Tantra as a tool of meditation and self-enquiry, and so many are the numbers that think correct to disrespect Shakti Verah by addressing to her without respect and without courtesy. Many are the numbers that think in their right to take PeaceQuiet Temple as a vulgar mundane space they can bring their ways in and expect the ways and manners unfit for a self-honoured, self- loving being. Shakti Verah follows Advaita tradition of teachings which have been handed down by a lineage of sages. Shakti Verah is a direct disciple of Sri Mooji-ji. Many are the numbers that dismiss Shakti Verah traditional and direct understanding because she is unique in using Tantra Massage as a tool to point to that which is pointed by centuries of sages, teachers and masters. Many are those who believe what the West and many people call tantric massage is actually Tantra. Is a big mistake to claim that Tantra is a massage and the massage is somehow concerned or dedicated to physical and material satisfaction. There is a Tantra Massage but Tantra is not a massage. Tantra massage comes from Berlin 1975 developed by Zen Monk Andro. Tantra, on the other hand, has initially come from India BC. As a word Tantra died with British Empire and the dismissive policy carried out to undervalue value traditions the empire failed to appreciate. Tantra as teachings have clearly survived, and we can easily find in the teachings of modern sages. As a name and as a tradition Traditional ancient Tantra traditions did survive in Tibet. Tibet has been a sacred place and a home for many Tantra lineages. More recent traditions have stem from classic teachings. Two of the most well-known Tantra Masters in the world are Buddha and of course His Holiness the Dali Lama. Dalai Lama (Kalamachakra Tantra) and Siddhartha Gautama Tantra teachings are both yet to offer a mentioning of a massage or of any skills resembling a massage or a tantra massage. the important point is this Tantra Massage requires Tantra as the framework of understanding. Whereas Tantra is complete in itself. Despite the disrespect, Shakti Verah faces almost on a regular basis, and despite her teachings and her work being quite often mistaken for 'the oldest profession' Shakti Verah insists in continue to work with Tantra Massage because of the amazing tool that it is and because people do seem to find the teachings the help the key and even the solution to what is going on in their emotional lives. Shakti Verah does it so with enormous love and grace. "Tantra Massage is a wonderful skill of knowing and of understanding. A gift for the men and the women of today." Shakti also says "humanity was born with full ability to raise the tools necessary for its own healing, growth, and freedom". Shakti reassures, in one to one teachings, " the tools are updated and adjusted to respond to our emotional reality as we see it and as we perceive it in each today." Those who have sat with Shakti Verah or have had the opportunity of a genuine Tantra Massage know that "Tantra Massage is such tool because Tantra Massage speaks the language, understands the needs and the imagination of today". Is so reassuring to hear Shakti Verah whom in a very good tradition not only points to the problem but also to its solution and the power that transcends all imperfections. Call Shakti Verah to discuss. Thank you for taking the time to read about PeaceQuiet® and the wonderful work Shakti Verah is doing right here in the UK. May you benefit not only from her massage but more importantly from the knowledge, understand which makes PeaceQuiet® Tantra Temple a unique place rich with unique skill and very unique way of transmitting individual Tantra skills. Namaste. Mary Wilson Executive editor of PeaceQuiet® UK Ps All quotes are by Shakti Verah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------PeaceQuiet® mobile: 44 7766890826. Email: PeaceQuiet® UK registered UK00003047229
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PeaceQuiet® Tantra Temple Warwick