Balanced Rider UK - Riding Position Correction Training
Helping competitive riders rid themselves of bad posture habits, straightness issues or pain affecting results. 1-2-1 posture sessions, classes & workshops
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facebook.comSo last night’s balanced Rider Class was mostly Halloween treats, dress up, games, Halloween music oh... and of course some position correction work in there too! Great fun with great people. If you want to come along and try a class, drop me a message or reply to the post. Tuesday’s at 7:15 and 8:15pm in Aldridge.
SNAP POLL, POTENTIAL MIDLANDS WORKSHOP. JOIN MY VIP LIST I have literally one Sunday free in the next month but I’m getting LOTS of demand for a midlands based workshop. So... if I were to run a ‘Fix My Riding Position’ Workshop in Sutton Coldfield on Sunday 3rd December, who would be interested in going on the VIP list and getting first dibs on the places. I will only have 30 spaces, so if you want to come along, pop a yes please on the post comments and I’ll put you in my VIP list where you’ll get the booking link 48hrs before I open it to the public. Interested?
Just 24 hours to go until the ticket system for my Kent based ‘Fix My Riding Position’ Workshop on Sunday 29th November close... If you’ve been meaning to book, but forgotten, there’s still time. But ticket sales close tomorrow at 1pmso get your skates on! We’re going to be getting to grips with some serious rider problems and giving YOU the power to fix them so when you ride you really feel the difference it makes. Can’t wait to meet all you lovely people on Sunday Ps: there’s cake! 😂👌 Book your last minute tickets here:
As promised, attached is my video for helping to lengthen your leg, stop losing those darn stirrups and help improve knee pain and that god-awful forward tip! Excuse the abrupt start, I made the hip flexor video at the same time, and couldnt figure out a decent point to cut it in two, cos I didnt stop talking! Hope it helps you. If you liked this & need more help to fix your bad riding habits, you can check out my 10daystobetterriding online video programme here, where I’ll give you 10 amazing videos to help you fix the most common rider problems you’ll have Check it out here Happy Tuesday everyone!
If losing stirrups & tipping forward are big problems for you. You’ll want to check out today’s post on how to start kicking this bad habit for good. Ready...?
Did you know we offer posture analysis sessions just for riders? A Total Fix Posture Session focuses firstly on you and your horse, what’s happening, and gives me a real idea of what the main habits you as a rider are struggling with The second part of the session then focuses on addressing bad habits off horse by targeting the root cause of your bad habits using posture correction techniques you’ll never have tried before. One of my clients, Kim says: Felt good and about 3 ft taller when I rode, think am using my muscles differently as felt tired and my brain seems to think body in different place - think a few intensive sessions may be the way forward. Interested? Drop me a message or reply and we’ll chat. I can work with and without your riding instructor & also in groups, perfect for camps and yards.
Knee Gripper, Forward Tipper, Hunched Shoulders, Wonky Sitter, Inconsistent hands? I could go on... If you could take the plunge and improve your riding in just 10 days, would you?? Learn how to target & stop your bad body habits ruining your riding, and getting in the way of your horse. In just 10 days YOU could be a different rider, so what have you got to lose - apart from your bad habits of course! No expensive equipment or hours away from your horse, just you, me and a mat. Let’s get going! Register to join the 10daystobetterriding online video programme here:
One from my recent Swindon Fix My Riding Position Workshop. We had a go at creating the longest upper arm opener Correction I’ve ever tried... it really worked those pecs for the ladies. Much easier to get those shoulders back now girls!! 👍
And we’re off. It’s raining and a bit chilly but that won’t dampen our spirits. It’s workshop day - yay! The car is packed with treats and kit. I can’t wait to meet you all.
Just 24 hours to go until my Swindon ‘Fix My Riding Position’ Workshop If you’ve been meaning to book, but forgotten, there’s still time. But ticket sales close tonight at 8pm so get your skates on! We’re going to be getting to grips with some serious rider problems and giving YOU the power to fix them so when you ride you really feel the difference it makes. Can’t wait to meet all you lovely people tomorrow. Ps: there’s cake! 😂👌 Book your last minute tickets here:
Does your position need some perfection? Do you have annoying habits like wonky sitting, hunchy shoulders, forward tipping, a locked back? Worried its affecting your horse? Time to get real help to solve those rider problems... Say hello to 10daystobetterriding! A ‘do at home’ online video series that will give you the power to get you back where you should be, straight in the saddle & feeling the difference it makes to your riding. You just need a mat, me and a few minutes a day. What have you got to lose? Apart from your bad habits! :) Check out or join the programme here