Wallingford & Didcot Boys' Brigade
The Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association in the Wallingford area The Boys' Brigade and Girls Association in Wallingford was founded in 2005 and now consists of:
1st Wallingford Company
3rd Wallingford Company
1st Didcot Company
2nd Didcot Company
Upper Thames Water Sports Centre
The first Company expanded in 2013 with the opening of the 3rd Wallingford on 9th April 2013 and again on 17th September 2015 with the addition of 1st Didcot. The 3 Companies share 2 Captain and 4 staff members. The 1st Wallingford also has a further 9 members of staff. The BB in Wallingford also run The Upper Thames Water Sports Centre. The further sports will be added when the centre has its own base. The Sports Centre also run Rowing courses for the BB and uses staffing drawn from both Companies aswell as having its own coach.
Activities at the BB companies in Wallingford are very traditional. BB companies wear hats including all officers. The BB pro packs are used.
The young people are encouraged to take services at Cholsey Free Church (Baptist).
In the comming years we are looking to expand again and would also like to appoint 2 part time Christian youth develpment officers. In 2017 we are looking to appoint a fundraiser. This person will need to raise about £20K a year to fund the 2 posts.
Other Wallingford activities include the mid-summer night hike, summer camp, summer BBQ, Sports day, Nativity, Wallingford Carnival, Cholsey Mayday, Kayak race and an Easter Sports camp.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThis week at Wallingford & Didcot BB Tuesday - 3rd Wallingford Dough Craft & Cooking Wednesday - 1st Wallingford Dough craft and seniors eating challenge. also Welcome Gareth the BB development officer. Friday - 1st/2nd Didcot - fun and games Saturday - Cholsey Community Cafe come and have a drink and cake
On Tuesday evening the Company and Senior section made a news program about the company. So here is their short update
Monday evening saw the final evening Kayak session of 2017 with 11 on the water
This week at BB In South Oxfordshire Monday: See us on the streets at St Johns School, Kayaking 6pm Tuesday: 3rd Wallingford - Cooking Wednesday: 1st Wallingford - film making Friday: 1st/2nd Didcot: Fund and games Saturday: Jouniors Ten Pin Bowling Bus departs Cholsey 1:15 Wallingford 1:30 & Didcot 1:45
Do you know anyone who goes to St John's School in Wallingford?. If so ask them to look out for the BB team on Monday as we will be handing out invitations to join us on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Happy 134th Birthday Boys' Brigade
This Week at BB: Monday - Kayaking Tuesday - 3rd Wallingford (The Media) Wednesday 1st Wallingford (Friendship) Why not check out our new look website at http://1wallingford.boys-brigade.org.uk/
Join us for a festive drink and cake in the Community Cafe. We will provide seasonal entertainment
Join the young people in their interpretation of the birth of our Lord and saviour Jesus
Come an look around this seasonal craft fair and enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cake as you decide on those essential stocking fillers. All in aid of the work of the Boys' Brigade in Wallingford
Company Section Oxfordshire Table Tennis and Pool evening