Amanda Wilkes Yoga
Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes in Teddington & Whitton
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Happy New Moon my loves! The New Moon brings introspection and new beginnings. You may notice your energy is low over the next few days so take time to rest and rejuvenate. In your journal write down your dreams and aspirations, and offer them up to the Universe. Open yourself to opportunity. Enjoy!
New Moon in Aquarius 27/28th Jan 2017
I can't recommend following The Moon School here on FB or over on Instagram highly enough. Each day Kat shares insight and guidance on living in alignment with the Moon and I can't tell you how often it resonates with where I am in my day/week/month. Its spooky and I love it! The New Moon is tomorrow, it's a powerful one for change, which, judging by last week's Women's Marches all over the world is a subject uppermost in the collective consciousness. Enjoy!
Instagram photo by Amanda • Jan 26, 2017 at 8:10am UTC
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COMING HOME - A WOMEN'S YOGA WORKSHOP WITH AMANDA & JUSTINE EVANS Saturday 4th February- 2.00 - 5.00pm, Heart Twickenham "Womb Yoga brings us home to ourselves as women. To honour the natural cycles of our womb life is to dance in time with the cosmic rhythms of the universe." Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Womb Yoga encompasses a range of healing and restorative practices, including gentle, flowing yoga and movement sequences, mudra, mantra, pranayama and visualisation, designed to embrace and honour the original blood wisdom of your womb space, as the source of feminine intuition, connection, creativity and nurture. It is for all women, at any age, from menarche (onset of menstruation) through to post-menopause. It is for women with wombs, and women without and for those who identify as women. During this three hour workshop we approach Womb Yoga from the perspective of Eastern healing philosophy, exploring natural remedies, nutrition and essential oils to balance the hormones and restore equilibrium. There will be time to talk, time for much needed rest. Time to move, breathe and chant. Join us. Come home to yourself.
60 Second Docs
I really really really want to do this!
Align and Uplift with Candlelit Yoga & Kirtan
Free this Friday evening? Join myself and Nathalie for an evening of Yoga and Kirtan and bring yourself back to wholeness. There's been a lot of interest but not many bookings so if you're planning on coming please order your tickets soon so we know we've got enough people to go ahead! Thank you! £20 for adults and only £10 for students/Under 18's. Hope to see you there!
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Today is Martin Luther King Day. We thank you for your wisdom and courage and the legacy of tolerance and love you leave behind. #mlkday2017 #martinlutherking #peace #love #yoga
Align and Uplift with Candlelit Yoga & Kirtan
I'm excited to be collaborating with my soul sister Nathalie Joel-Smith again next Friday for an evening of candlelit yoga and Kirtan in Twickenham. Our intention is to bring you back to a place of wholeness, through movement and stillness; breath and pause; the outward expression of devotion through chanting to reach a place of inner peace. This is the essence of Yoga, unifying that which was previously separate. Come and reclaim yourself. Link for tickets is in the event details below. I hope to see you there!
Howl at the Moon and get s*it done! | Yoga classes in South West London and Yoga Retreats in the UK and a br
At last....after more than 2 years my second blog post is online....
The Full Moon Goddess Circle this week is FULL now and I've opened a waiting list if you want to be added. I am taking bookings for next month's which is on Wednesday 8th February, 4 spaces available at the moment. If you'd like to come let me know!
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There are 2 spaces available for this Thursday's Full Moon Goddess Circle at my home studio in Whitton. The Full Moon Goddess Circle is for women of all ages and is not a yoga class, my intention is for it to be a sacred space to connect, share, rejuvenate and reconnect with our essence as women. Each Circle will start with passing round the talking stick and doing a 'weathercheck' to discover where we are in our inner landscape; but as each Moon is different each Circle will be different too and we will draw on a range of practices from meditation, visualisation, yoga nidra (this will be seated due to space restraints), mudra (energetic and symbolic hand gestures), mantra, myth and ritual. We meet from 7.30 to 9pm and the cost is £10 including tea and healthy treats. I would love to see you there...let me know if you can make it by commenting below or sending me a PM!