James Wharram Designs
Designers of unique, safe and stable self-build double-canoe sailing catamarans. James Wharram is the pioneer of offshore multihulls, making his first Atlantic crossing by catamaran in 1956 and the first North Atlantic crossing by multihull in 1959.
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Restoration of Spirit of Gaia We are on our way home to Cornwall. Gaia has reached the stage that we can launch her in the Autumn. We managed to finish the new platform section in the last days before leaving. The bow walk and anchor killicks are now all new and perfect again, more beautiful than ever. We will still need to anti foul and do a few other small jobs when we return, but we have a SAILING SHIP again.
Boat Building Plans (20% Off)
It's that time of year again. Whether your next project is a 16' Melanesia or a Tiki 46, enjoy 20% off all Wharram Boat Building Plans.
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Restoration of Spirit of Gaia Our next works has been to restore the bow walk and anchor killicks. The slatted decking had deteriorated badly and when removing the slats we found some rot under the killick bolts. Nice new hardwood slats have been cut and lovingly sanded by Jen, the rot repaired, a new killick made and it will be better and stronger than before. Meantime Paul has been upgrading our electrical system and fitting solar panels. Bryce and Hanneke spent two days at the local timber yard where they were able to scarf new long slats for a new section of central platform.
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Restoration of Spirit of Gaia The masts are up!! Finally after three years Spirit of Gaia has masts again. Yesterday in less than one hour both masts were lifted in by crane without a hitch. The Dyneema rigging was light and flexible and made setting up easy. Our volunteer crew Paul and Bryce, as well as the expert crane operator, were invaluable in making this operation run smooth and easy.
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Restoration of Spirit of Gaia Two weeks in Greece has seen good progress, all the beam lashings have been tied with new rope. Decks are getting painted. We are now working on getting the masts up, working on the last Dyneema splicing. Three good helpers from America has made work fun and speedy.
HuiWharram Polynesian Catamarans & Friends
The organisers of HUI Wharram 2016 have set up this Facebook page with the aim of encouraging the sharing of photos and ideas among potential attendees. Updates about the event will also feature here.
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Building Mana 24 We are about to depart for Greece to finish the refit of Spirit of Gaia. The last two weeks we have put full energy into getting Mana as far advanced as possible. Both hulls are now glassed and fully sanded, ready to receive a coat of paint. This is some of the most time consuming work in any boatbuilding. To get a fair and beautiful finish you have to put in a lot of labour. We have also made good inroads into building the crossbeams. One beam is mostly glued up, the other ready to get to the same stage in a few hours work.The platforms are made, the aluminium masts are ready to be assembled. Rudders ready for glassing. But now we have to stop until we return in mid June. We are looking for some skilled volunteers to help with the final push, so she will be ready by mid July to go to Brest to take part in the traditional boat festivals. Please get in touch if you would like to come and help!
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Building Mana 24 Mana building has sudden boost! 10 days ago Paul, my American helper on Gaia for two years, has arrived in Devoran and the two of us have been cracking on with the build. The glassed decks are sanded ready to take paint, the hulls are turned upside down and one hull is glassed and sanded, the other will be done this week. We have started on the crossbeams.
Photos from James Wharram Designs's post
Building Mana 24 The decks are glassed!! This last week we have worked very hard, in 40 woman/man hours we have glassed both decks of Mana (20 hours per deck). From sanding the wood surface, to cutting the cloth, to wetting it out, to applying a final glaze coat (epoxy with some Microlight filler, so they will be easy to sand). The decks are fiddly with all the ups and downs and corners, but I am very happy with the finish. Glassing the hulls will be easy after this and go a lot quicker.
Timeline Photos
Klaus Hympendahl RIP With shock and sadness we have heard that Klaus Hympendahl, our German partner in the Lapita Voyage died last week in Buenes Aires where he was working on a book about Tango (his second passion alongside sailing). He suffered an acute and serious illness, he was 77 years old. Klaus had still many plans for the future, he had gone into partnership with Jimmy Cornell for his next ocean sailing project, he was writing books and planning further sailing voyages. He phoned us only a few weeks ago to encourage us to come to the Düsseldorf Boatshow next year, as it is THE show to be at now. he was urging James to keep writing his book. In his memory we are soon opening a new section of our website dedicated to the Lapita Voyage. Sail the oceans of the heavens, Klaus, and meet your friends the Chiefs of Tikopia that have gone there before you.
Project Moken
For the last 10 years Runar Wiik, a Norwegian film maker, has been running a campaign to help the Moken sea people of the Andeman Sea to preserve their unique sea living lifestyle. For this purpose he adapted a Wharram catamaran (Narai) to use as sea transport and mothership. Recently this catamaran has been badly damaged in a cyclone. He needs your help to repair the boat and to continue the vital work he is doing for the Moken people. Please visit his website and help if you can.
031 Amatasi 3 augustus 2014
Just saw this little film again of sailing Amatasi with my sister and brother in law in 2014. Makes one long for the summer. Cornwall without the constant rain of this winter is a beautiful place.