Feeling Young
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facebook.comThe very talented man that trained me has made it into the OK magazine with phiLings! I’m so proud to be part of this new innovative treatment ❤️
Eye Lid Lift. Before and immediately after treatment- can’t wait to see final results ❤️
Interested? Get in touch ❤️
Looking for case studies to have eye lifts done to complete my qualification 😀 Please feel free to share ❤️
I have Microneedling appointments available on Friday 16th at 5:30 also 2 appointments available on Saturday 17th! PM me for details. Up to 3 treatments allowed, the picture below is instant results after just 1 treatment 💕
Another eyelift tonight! This beautiful lady smiled throughout the whole treatment xxx
The benefits of Microneedling 😍
Eyelid lift for this lovely lady 😍 will post before, immediately after and healed pics in 3-4 weeks ❤️
So tonight I decided to Microneedle my own face 😂😂😂 Massively impressed with the results ...can’t wait to do another! Face now feels very strange as completely numb 👌😂🙈
A sneak preview of today!! Absolutely love watching the transformation before my eyes ❤️