By Divine Design
Inspiration, Empowerment and Inner Peace Welcome to by Divine Design. A world of inspiration and ideas to access your own Inner Peace and Empower you.
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Have big changes been rumbling through your life the past couple of weeks? It's time to embrace those changes and move forward. X
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Every day can be awesome if we choose it to be. Embrace today and enjoy what comes your way. X
Good evening Jenny Washington Holland! X
Good evening Lyn Knowlden! X
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Today's reading for the week ahead and what a beautiful card on all levels. Remember to use your discernment if this message is not for you and leave it for another. It's time to notice our intuition and trust it. Like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets! So learn to trust yourself and your inner guidance system. I'm sure we can all recall times when we didn't listen to our intuition. Now is the time to let go and allow yourself to take charge of you. You are ready! X
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Need I say more... X
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To my fellow goddesses if you would like me to pick you a Goddess card I will be online at 6pm tomorrow to do just that! XxXxX
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Thank you for another beautiful day on planet Earth to learn and grow. X
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Whatever you are doing...
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Love yourself and love your life. When the going gets tough ask for help. You are not alone. You are not here to suffer. We are all here to help each other. Namaste. X
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I have picked an angel card for you for the week ahead. If the message doesn't speak to you it is not for you, leave it for another. Follow your heart. Allow yourself to listen to your dreams, to acknowledge them and let them in to your life. You can be / do / have whatever your heart desires, the first step is to recognise what these desires are. Give yourself space to step back from life and examine if you are doing what your heart truly desires. Don't worry about the how just listen for the what and focus on finding that. Have an awesome Sunday and week ahead. X
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Wow! Where have the last few weeks gone? Amazingly it's New Moon again today at 9.44pm London time. It's time to release any anger you are carrying and move forward in to a new exciting cycle with a light heart. It's time to focus on our desires - what have you always desired doing or being? Maybe now's the time to start working towards that. Dare to dream. Have an awesome New Moon Day and may this coming cycle bring you everything your heart desires. In love and light. X