Tighnabruaich Primary School
Primary and Nursery provider for those in the Kilfinan Parish. Located behind Kyles Medical Centre in Tighnabruaich.
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Looking for some fun next Sunday? Come along and support the school during our Summer Fete between 12 noon and 3 pm. BBQ, stalls, activities. George the Jannie is in charge of organising good weather, but he'll be getting a soaking whether he succeeds or not!
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The tables were set today for the first Special Person Lunch. The Parent Council were so grateful to the children for their fundraising efforts that they decided to thank them. The children were allowed to invite a 'special person' to join us for lunch with the PC picking up the cost. (Not many people would willingly turn down one of Lesley's Lovely Lunches!) The children took part in the Silver Smarties challenge - earning 20ps to fill a smartie tube by being helpful around the home. This week's lunch guests displayed excellent table manners, we are delighted to report. We're looking forward to next Friday's Special Person Lunch!
Community After School Nordic Walking club has resumed on THURSDAYS until the midgies win the battle. For the next few sessions we'll be setting off from the school between 3.35/3.45 pm and heading down to the playpark where the youngsters can frolick while the more serious can focus on perfecting that Nordic Walking technique before returning to school to finish at 5pm. No charge, all welcome.
Brrrr...it's cold. So we will warmly welcome you tomorrow for BOOKBUG Club at 10 am. Please tell all Bumps, Babies & Toddlers to bring their parents or carers along for song, rhymes and fun. Followed by refreshments and soft play in the hall until 11.45-ish. The heating is on......
The very grand total of £186.46 was raised this afternoon at our Spring Tea in aid of The British Heart Foundation. We were supporting this charity in memory of Lesley Brady's father, William Burnett, who passed away shortly before Christmas. Mr & Mrs Burnett have been generously and quietly supportive of the school over the years and the children have enjoyed many treats at special times of the year. This was our turn to give something back and show our appreciation. Many thanks to our amazing Parent Council for running the afternoon with the help of our senior pupils, and to the many members of the community who turned out on a dreich afternoon to support us. You brought the sun back out! We wish everyone a very Happy Easter when it arrives.
Please accept this invitation to come along and support the British Heart Foundation on Friday, 31st March from 1.30 pm to 3 pm in school. The Parent Council has organised a Spring Tea and we are looking forward to seeing you there to enjoy teas, coffees and home-baking. There might be a bit of entertainment too! Why not bring a friend?
Antarctica was brought a bit closer to P3-7 this afternoon, thanks to a visit from Captain Robert Paterson of the British Antarctic Survey Team. Captain Paterson enthralled the children with his photos, information and stories. He even brought in many items of kit for them to try on. We are pleased to say he enjoyed his afternoon, too, and left impressed with the enthusiasm, behaviour and fantastic questions from the children (and a school mug, for we are nothing if not generous). Many thanks to Mrs McKirdy for organising the afternoon.
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We were excited to receive this wonderful donation today! Thank you, Donald Wren :)
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Look what our P4-6 football team brought back from the Cowal 6 a-sides today! They were very proud and happy - and so are we all of them. What a team :) Thanks to Active Schools for organising the event, and to the two Nicolas for getting them there and back.
Worth a watch.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08hymf3/panorama-sleepless-britain
Community Nordic Walking club begins again this Thursday (9th March) after school until 5 pm. Meet at the school to sign up and be fitted for poles. Enjoy the company of our wonderful young people and instruction from up to four qualified Nordic Walking instructors to suit your own level of fitness. No charge. All welcome.
Our Very Busy Week will end on Friday when we finally find time to celebrate World Book Day. We are delighted that Book Point is coming out to visit from Dunoon bringing a wide range of children's books. All children, including visiting babies and toddlers, will receive a World Book Day £1 token that they can exchange for a special book from the range produced for the day, or use in part-payment for any other book. This is the fourth year that Book Point have provided this service to the school and we are extremely grateful. Call in between 11.30 am and 2 pm and visit Dinah in the Open Area. If you'd like to bring your own favourite children's book to share with some children, you would be most welcome to do so. Please spread the word to bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents and carers. (You may bump into some favourite characters from books..... )