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About Thetford Magazine

C/o Charles Burrell Centre, Thetford, United Kingdom



Monthly community news magazine delivered to houses in Thetford and the surrounding villages Introduction
The About Thetford magazine is an independent community magazine covering the town of Thetford and its surrounding villages. 12,000 copies are printed and distributed every month which ensures every household in Thetford, Croxton and Barnham is covered. Copies are also delivered to every commercial property throughout Thetford Town Centre, local shopping precincts and both industrial estates in the town. In addition, a rural distribution network has been established with additional copies left at 15 locations in villages surrounding Thetford included Ixworth, East Harling, Garboldisham, Weeting, Brandon, Mundford and Elveden. The magazine is also available for viewing online, a service which is enjoyed by several hundred people every month from as far away as Australia and the United States of America. The online version of the magazine is particularly promoted via our social media presence on both Twitter and Facebook, where we have 1,000 followers / friends collectively.

Each month the magazine covers a mix of local news including updates from groups operating in the area such as the Rotary Club, Lions, Lionesses, Inner Wheel, Cadets and much more, There's also details of events and activities taking place, job vacancies and a what's on feature. Thetford Town Council regularly advertise and there's space allocated for the Ancient House Museum of Thetford Life, Thetford Library and Thetford's Great Tourist Information Centre.

How to book / submit a news story
If you would like to enquire about booking an advert, or submitting a community news story, please email; or telephone the Editor - Terry Jermy, on 07742157967

Advertising Rates: Please see advertising rates page in the 'photos' section for details about our advertising rates. Discounts are available for repeat bookings.

Other services:

Advert design: We are able to offer a very competitive advert design service for anybody wishing to advertise with the magazine. We charge just £10 for an 1/8th of a page advert, £15 for a quarter page advert or half page advert and £20 for a full page. Once the advert has appeared within the magazine you are free to use this as you wish or on any social media outlets that you may use.

Leaflet delivery service: Our team of 27 delivery staff are keen to assist you with leaflet delivery. We charge £30 + VAT per 1,000 leaflets delivered. You can either opt to have material delivered to our entire delivery area (12,000 leaflets required), or ask for a specific area to be covered. The magazine is normally delivered on the last weekend of each month ready for the following month, with deliveries being completed within three days of receiving the magazines back from the printers. Any items to be delivered ideally need to be received a week prior to receipt of the magazine to allow us time to get them ready into the necessary delivery rounds.


Thank you Larry Gray & team for a fantastic firework display. We’ve had a great time enjoyed all the fun of the fair too! It’s not too late to catch the next the next display at 7:45pm

Karen is joining in the fun and having a clear out today - if you’re looking for a bargain pop up to the CBC and take a look at what’s on offer!

More lovely news from our friends at TADDS!

Lovely Larry Gray popped into the office today, it’s always great to see him and it also means he’s in town getting ready for the Thetford Firework Spectacular. We’re just a tinsy bit excited about Sunday - only 3 more sleeps!

Click on the link to read the digital version of our November edition
