The NQT Mentor
A place for NQTs to get the advice and tips on surviving their first year in teaching.
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How very, very true! If only there was a way of matching a child to an author by way of machine. Maybe someone could invent a scanning machine for use in classrooms 😜
I Know, I Need To Stop Talking
It's nearly the weekend! Enjoy this little ORT parody...
BBC Family & Education News
Great stuff
‘Too often teachers spend every night planning lessons into the early hours. This must stop’
Some great tips here for planning - let's stop the hours spent on needless paperwork...
Timeline Photos
Goodnight lovely NQTs - turn off your laptops, shut down your computers and put your folders away. Now is time for you to be resting and recuperating... You can't give from an empty vessel...
Need a reading comprehension? Fancy a classic? Check out the new Charlotte's Web resource in the Reading Resources for Teachers shop on TES...
Bored Teachers
Love this!
Timeline Photos
Happy Tuesday everyone! How many times are you going to be thinking this today?
#TEDEdChat: Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth |
Have you got 6 minutes? Watch this inspirational TED talk about grit and growth mindset - what are we going to do to get our children 'grittier'?
Education to the Core
How true-look after yourselves this weekend and have some time for you...
Bored Teachers