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Forever By Ky

12 chapel meadows , Tarleton, United Kingdom



The Aloe Vera product range, Forever Living. Info on how this 'medicine plant' can help with a number of health issues, only a msg away if you to know more


A different type of Art

How beautiful 💖

A different type of Art

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What amazing news to wake up to this morning, Kevin Taylor has achieved Supervisor today after joining the business just 5 weeks ago!! Kevin has grasped this business really well and is doing exactly as he has been shown and is following the simple business cycle, with urgency! Go Kevin!!Xxx

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Mateusz M

Mateusz M

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Doesn't look as bad with empty seats right?? Eeeeee getting ready to do a slot at a training event with 100 business owners #wheresthenearestpub #excitedbutnervous

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Glass of fizz to help me prepare my story for tomorrow's of my goals was to tell my story, help inspire people into following the life of their dreams!! Tomorrow I shall do just that in a room full of Forever business owners xxx

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The FOOD Bible

By now you've all guessed that I love chocolate....who can make me this?

The FOOD Bible

Mateusz M

Graffiti Kings

The world needs more of this.....simple actions, using your talents to brighten up peoples days and make the world a better place!! xxx

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MANAGER PROMOTION!!! The incredible Jamila Gul has reached the Manager position today!! In the November Success weekend - she found her why. Jayne Leach gave a speech on the vision of the business, and how if approached in the right way, can bring about life changing results. Something clicked for jamila and from that moment on she has not stopped!! Messaging 30+ people every single day - all around her 6 children!! She was determined to achieve Manager by April, and is now looking to hit every other incentive on the marketing plan, and head for Sapphire and beyond The professionalism, dedication, work ethic, leadership skills which Jamila has developed over the past 6 months has been inspiring to watch. It shows, if the desire is strong enough, you do what it takes and get it done! You have become one of my closest friend in the world, to work alongside you brings me so much joy everyday and you are so loved by your team and the wider team too!! Jamila Gul MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!!!! xxx

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Qualification for #EMR17 is just about to begin. Are you ready to rock the boat on this exciting cruise through the Mediterranean? Well, get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Imagine a cruise ship sailing down the Mediterranean with hundreds of Forever Business Owners on board! Now that’s an adventure you won’t forget! On board, you’ll have access to world-class training and networking from Forever's elite. It will feel like a Forever home away from home. Best yet, you’ll stop in three of Europe’s most beautiful cities, including Barcelona, Monte Carlo and Rome. Eagle Managers represent the Business Owners around the world who are dedicated to building their businesses and helping others look better and feel better. For new starters you can also be coached to achieve this incredible incentive so it's available to anyone!!! Would you LOVE to work for an organisation who offers five star, free, global travel twice a year on top of a generous pay structure and elite training? If you or anyone you know would love to run a successful business from home or on the go get in touch - there simply couldn't be a better time to join! 🌎

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Tattoo Artist Magazine

Something to make you smile on a rainy day 💗

Tattoo Artist Magazine

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I think it's really sad that we get dragged down by life the time were 16, we have to of made a choice of what to study at college. 18 comes and we're supposed to of chosen a life long profession and started working towards it. When did we stop dreaming big? Why aren't we taught at school that we can achieve ANYTHING in life even if you did crap at that maths test?! Our imaginations and dreams are crushed into 'reality' Screw what your 'supposed' to do and go out, see the world, have fun, make mistakes, spend all your money, get that tattoo and grab every opportunity. Choose to be happy, you have one shot....but if you do it right, it's enough!! 🌟

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NEAR Forever By Ky