Kiss Gyms Swindon
Open 24/7, just £15.99 per month, No Contract, Central location, Hi-Spec-Low Price Welcome to the Kiss Gym in Swindon's OFFICIAL Facebook page. This is the place to train! We're open 24 hours a day, so train whenever you're free. Visit us at to for more information or to sign up.
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facebook.comWeek 5 of what is your favourite weight training exercise (fuelled by chocolate🎄☺️)? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have been posting one video each week for 5 weeks based on my favourite exercises. This is the finale! Ive also provided the reason why they are my favourites (some of course for vanity😉!) plus easy to follow tips on how to perform each exercise. Is there an exercise which you’d like to add into your training plan in 2018 that you’re unsure how to perform? If so, please comment below. Week 5: Squats ******************************* Reason I ❤️them? •Because I actually used to hate them! I had lower back issues which meant in 2016 I struggled to progress which frustrated me. Since i changed my training programme in January I’ve been able to develop them in terms of strength. Finally hit 3 x 10@70kg and 1RM @87.5kg in the past couple of weeks (body weight 65kg.... well it was 😆😋🎉🎄). Do’s (bottom video): ✅ Narrow grip with the bar on your traps ✅ Stand with your feet roughly shoulder width apart..... some prefer a closer stance, some a wider.... one that’s suitable for you and that’ll allow you the flexibility / mobility to perform the exercise ✅Push your hips back, keeping your chest proud. ✅Drive up & lead through your hips whilst maintaining the back angle ✅Keep knees pointing outwards & squeeze your bottom as you raise Don’t (top video): ❌Lead with the chest ❌Round your back ❌Be timid with the descent speed ❌let the knees roll inwards 😬 I hope you’ve enjoyed my easy guide to squatting. Please comment / share. Merry Christmas & a happy new year! Coz 😊
What's your favourite high-protein food?
Week 4 of what is your favourite weight training exercise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will be posting one video each week for 5 weeks based on my favourite exercises. I’ll also provide the reason why they are one of my favourites (some of course for vanity😉!) plus easy to follow tips on how to perform each exercise. Is there an exercise you’d like to learn how to do? If so, please comment below🏋🏼♀️ Week 3: Seated cable row ******************************* Reason I ❤️them? •No major reason ..... they are just my favourite back exercise 💪🏻 and fairly easy to execute..... (Please excuse my sexy joggers & animal print socks😆) Do’s (bottom video): ✅ Grasp the bar with a neutral grip(palms facing in) ✅ Keep your legs slightly bent and back straight (or a slight lean back) ✅ Keeping your back in position, pull the handle into your stomach & squeeze at your shoulder blades ✅ Lower weight under control until arms are fully extended to get a full range of movement Don’t (top video): ❌ Move your upper body back and forth whilst rowing 🚣♂️ ❌ Slump/ arch back ❌ Let your shoulders hunch over when arms are fully extended I hope you’ve enjoyed my easy guide to seated cable row. Please comment / share. Many thanks Coz 😊
Those calories can add up without even knowing!
Let's get moving 🏃♀️🚶♀️🚴♀️🚴🚶🏃 #5kaday #workingtogether
Try adding one of these moves into your workout this week!
Week 3 of what is your favourite weight training exercise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will be posting one video each week for 5 weeks based on my favourite exercises. I’ll also provide the reason why they are one of my favourites (some of course for vanity😉!) plus easy to follow tips on how to perform each exercise. Is there an exercise you’d like to learn how to do? If so, please comment below🏋🏼♀️ Week 3: Barbell Military Press ******************************* Reason I ❤️them? •I’ve always enjoyed training shoulders mainly because I’ve pretty strong shoulders, possibly from the amount of swimming I did as a kid (swimming clubs 3-4 times a week)💪🏻. Plus good shoulders = looking good in a strappy / off the shoulder dress😍#vanity Do’s: ✅ Keep your wrists over your elbows ✅ Stand tall and keep your core engaged ✅ Press the bar upwards above the head, extending the arms fully ✅ Lower the bar under control and keep your elbows in ✅ The bar finishes level with your collar bone ❌ Don't arch your lower back ❌ Don't push the barbell forwards as you push it up ❌ Don't let the bar drop down - keep the tension on the way down. Control that bar! I hope you’ve enjoyed my easy guide to Barbell Military Press. Please comment / share. Many thanks Coz 😊
Interesting - which option would you go for?
Week 2: What is your favourite weight training exercise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will be posting one video each week for 5 weeks based on my favourite exercises. I’ll also provide the reason why they are one of my favourites (some of course for vanity😉!) plus easy to follow tips on how to perform each exercise. Is there an exercise you’d like to learn how to do? If so, please comment below🏋🏼♀️ Week 2: Dumbbell Walking Lunges ************************************ Reason I ❤️them? •Lunges are like marmite. You either love them or hate them. I don't see many people in the gym actually doing them unless you're my client 😉 I used to hate them! I avoided doing them at all costs probably because I was never any good at them. But I decided a while ago to add them into my programme every week (yes, I'm a glutton for punishment) and week on week they've grown on me, my balance has improved and now I'm in love😍 Plus I've seen more arse gains since doing them🍑 Do’s: ✅ Engage your core to help keep you stable throughout the exercise ✅ Point your feet in the direction you are going & keep your foot inline with your hip as you step forwards ✅ Keep your torso upright or a slight lean forward ✅ Bend the back leg so the knee either gently taps the floor or is close to the floor ✅ Push down through your front heel to drive you back up to standing position ❌ Don't look around whilst doing this exercise as you'll become off balance ❌ Avoid taking too short or large a step forward ❌ Try to avoid putting your foot down between lunges I hope you’ve enjoyed my easy guide to dumbbell walking lunges. Many thanks Coz 😊
Great as a post-workout snack to help them Gainz 🏋️
Following a challenge from Kiss Gym Milton Keynes our manager Adam stepped up to meet it. 🏆 THE CHALLENGE 🏆 100 SQUATS WITH YOUR BODYWEIGHT ON THE BAR in the fastest time you can. That’s 95kg for Adam 🥧 which he did in 18minutes! Check out Kiss Gym Milton Keynes page for Lee Behjet and Lawrie Wilkinson’s effort. There was a lot of laying down between sets 😉 Adam would like to nominate the other gym Managers Gary Corby from Milton Keynes & Jason Buszby fro Acton to do the same! (Adrian) We also challenge our members to join in the fun! We will allow special access to the disabled toilets for the next couple of days 🚽 #Swindondontlaydown #kissgyms
💪🏻 repping 180kg easyyyy #progress #gym #gains #squats #legday #fitness #strength #rugby #junkinthetrunk #badonkadonk 🍑

Moving those arms today #arms #workout #sweatwithkayla #medicineball #dumbells

Go harder or go home 💪💪

#Repost @fitmomat40 ・・・ Working on building my little butt #bodygoals #bodybuilding #nike #macro #lifting #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitgirl #fitfam #fitmom #fitnessmodel #fitmom #fitspiration #fitfam #ladieswholift #buttworkout

#Repost @fitmomat40 ・・・ Get your pump ✊ on 💪🏻#kissgymswindon #kissgyms #fitnessphysique #fitnessgear #fitnessgoals #fitnessgirls #fitness #fit #fitgirls #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitfam #fitmom #fitnesslife #fitlife #fitnessmodel #fitnessjourney #fitmoms

Feels amazing to start my morning with some sweat.need to improve the speed though !!..#kissgymswindon #earlymornings #running #weightlifting

Treadmill again today! I was going to run to the gym for pilates but it's a bit wet and I hate the thought of doing pilates drenched.. So I went back on the treadmill and made it interesting by doing 200m sprintervals with 90s recovery 👍👍 was going to do a couple more intervals but I forgot to set the timer on the treadmill so it went into cool down mode after 20 mins 🙄 I couldn't be bothered to get fired up again for just 2 sprints 😜 30/31 days of running with @g_r_t_w for #runuary.. I am gonna count tomorrow for the full 31 days 💪 and I'm going to keep up my #runningstreak until Sunday 🏃and now it's runch time!! #runningtogoal #speedwork #treadmill #sprintervals #hiit #treadmillsprints #runner #runnergirl #c25kgraduate #girlsruntheworldrunuary2017 #runnersworld #womensrunningcommunity #runningbug #getfit #getrunning #fitfam #fitnessjourney #exercise #bodymagic #swrunners #swfamily #slimmingworld #oneperfectweek #honestyweek #weighday

Monday's @ Kiss Gym
