Grace View Natural Boarding
Full livery Service and equine events farm based on 3 principles to wellbeing:
1) Physical fitness
2) Nutritional Excellence
3) Mental & emotional balance Grace View offer a number of fun and exiting ways to be with your horse that challenge you to think about the life of your horse from their perspective.
In summary these are:
* Natural Equine Boarding - This is a full boarding service that has been designed from the legendart research on wild horses by Jamie Jackson and his book Paddock Paradise. Your horses can live on a tracking system that is designed to mimic that of the wild horse, promoting wellbeing over our three principles. This is a 24/7/365 turn out that encourages constant movement, protection from founder prone grazing , creates natural herd behaviour , manages diet and helps stimulate the horse to help with mental and emotional balance.
* Park & Ride - This is a service that will be offered in October 2015. Riders can book a day from the events calendar and travel to Grace View with their horses and take part in a fun days riding to suit your level of ability and confidence. After your ride you & your horse will receive a warm and friendly welcome back to GV with a delicious lunch and your horse will be given refreshments too.
* Ride & Park
This is for local riders to ride from their farm or livery yard to Grace View, park their horses in a paddock for some refreshments whilst you enjoy a spot of lunch before riding back home.
* Horse and Horseless Workshops / Courses
Grace View will be holding a variety of courses that are based upon natural and kind methods of communicating to forming a true understanding and partnership with your horse. Corse details will be posted in the events Calendar in 2016.
Rehabilitation - Once Grace View is up and running we will also be focused on helping horses and humans towards Wellbeing with our three wellbeing principles
1.) Physical Fitness
2.) Nutritional Excellence
3.) Mental & Emotional Balance
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facebook.comSo funny had to share
Join me for a virtual tour around GV tracking system, we are 3 years into our journey and we still have lots to do and we continue to learn. This is intended to be an POSITIVE interactive session for you to answer any questions to help you with your own tracks. See how we *Built our tracking system around our farm * Deal with mud this time of year * Herd integrations * What we have found to be invaluable * Tracking best practice * Things I would do differently having learn through experience * How the horses benefit * How humans adapt to the change Please post any questions below with particular areas of interest so I can make sure I cover on the tour. Please feel free to SHARE with your friends
Vinnie just can’t get that itch LOVE this video Happy New Year ❤️❤️❤️
Welcome to our new boarder Frodo, this was the first moment coming wagon and meeting the herd. We walked him down to the integration field where he can get to know the other horses. Frodo has relaxed within the first 24hours! They are all soooooo differently and I am completely fascinated studying these amazing animals and their behaviour. Frodo was actually turned out with Bonzo at a previous yard( who joined the herd only a couple of weeks ago). I suppose an easy assumption would be to turn them out together right away. However I have learnt never to make assumptions! This is a new environment with different herd dynamics so we still wait, observe and let the horses decide the herd integration strategy. Safety of all our boarders is my main objective. It’s actually Little Suzie our Shetland who has taken an instant shine to Frodo. Well done Frodo, I am so pleased that he is calm and happy already. I will keep you all posted as to how his integration continues. Enjoy Xxx
Thank you Grace View Friends for all of your support throughout the year!!! It means the world to me ❤️❤️ Almost 1000 of you amazing people following our page! People who put the wellbeing of your horses 1st! Merry Christmas Xxx
BONZO’S HERD INTEGRATION..... SUCCESS!!! So yesterday was day 9 since Bonzo’s arrival at GV. The first two days we put Bonzo in his own paddock and closed the area off with the rest of the herd close by, so the were all together but separated by the fence. Saph and Bonzo hit it off first so we allowed them to go in the field together. Each night his was brought into the barn where we have a couple of stables, again so he was not on his own as they all got to know one and other. Once Ellie, the herd leader started grooming we knew that was now time to allow all of the horses to be together. Yes our method takes a bit of time ( every horse if different so this time varies). However it is a beautiful thing when you open the gates and the horses are happy to be together. No fighting, no thrashing around the wet muddy field. Peaceful, happy and chilled! Bonzo is now free to make his choices just as all the other members of the herd. He chooses where he goes, when and with whom. If he wants to be in or out etc. PS so proud of Ellie who actually came to GV as a rehab horse because she was sooooo “dangerous”! What a lady this beautiful girl is! Proud of all of the horses and proud to be a livery that puts the HORSE FIRST! Love these moments, it’s why I do what I do Enjoy Xxx
DAY FOUR of Bonzo’s herd integration. Saph and Bonzo made friends over the fence so we let them in together in the small field and this happened! Next step is to let them all in together in the large field over the weekend. Enjoy Xxx
HERD INTEGRATION DAY TWO FOR BONZO Our new horse Bonzo, joined GV yesterday ( read about this in our post yesterday). Ellie our herd leader has been showing him lots of attention. As we do the herd intervention, Bonzo is separate from the heard and has no access to the barn for shelter because that is part of the track with the others. So Bonzo stayed in a stable last night because we knew we were due snow. The herd all chose to stay in barn and be with Bonzo. Once Bonzo is part of the herd he too will have the freedom to come and go as he pleases, with access to the barn. We will keep you posted on how Bonzo is accepted into the herd. Xxx
Snow beauties
HERD INTEGRATION We were lucky enough to welcome our lovely new horse Bonzo as he arrived at GV this morning. Before I owned my own livery I spent many years on various yards and with the arrival of a new horse, the “strategy” was to chuck them in a field with the others and hope for the best. My feelings were always of worry as to what horses might get hurt and it always struck me as a less than ideal situation. As with most things in life you learn what you do want by experiencing what you do not want. So with that said, I am grateful for all of my experiences, good, bad and down right ugly. At GV we have a very different approach!!! We allow the new horse to have a safe space on his or her own BUT we keep the other horses very close by. This allows the new horse time to adjust to the new surroundings and environment without any fighting. We put hay on the fence line to encourage all the horses to hang out with each other. Over a period of time ( varies with each individual horse) we keenly observer how relationships start to develop. Once we see grooming over the fence, this is usually a good indication that it’s time to integrate the herd. We take the time it takes to do things right. To my mind slow and right beats fast and wrong!! By the time we open the gates it’s always very uneventful with no fighting and they are all then able to get along and live together as a herd. The safety of humans and horses is a massive focus of mine and we always try to do the best for all our horses at GV. This is the first moment Bonzo meets the herd. What happens when you move livery yards? Xxx