I-motion gym Stafford
I-motion gym is a state-of-the-art facility offering quality service and an innovative members' programme, all at an affordable price. I-motion gym is a state-of-the-art facility offering brand new Matrix equipment, quality service and an innovative members' programme, all at an affordable price!
Your fitness is important to i-motion and with this in mind, it will cover all your fitness requirements including functional, freeweights, studio and cardio zones. With over 100 classes a week ranging from Bootcamp to Zumba, it's outstanding value for money.
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facebook.com#SaturdayMotivation Have you worked that Christmas dinner off yet? How about the chocolate for breakfast? Make muscles, NOT excuses! #WhatWillYouBecome?
At i-motion, we value each and every customer and what they think. Thanks Andrew!
Information for our new parent and babies classes with Jules
Getting back into the new year
The feeling after you smash your first day back at the gym after the Christmas & New Year break 💪
Take charge of 2018. Make 2018 YOUR fitness year. Here's how: https://goo.gl/SWbn28
New Year… New i-Motion Good Evening, Firstly i’d like to say Happy New Year to all our members past and present, we wish you all the success and happiness in 2018 that you deserve. Please take a few minutes to read this message regarding the future of I-Motion Gym in Stafford, the intended direction for 2018 and beyond and how we think these changes will benefit you. Current situation and recent history We are aware that some members know that our Stafford gym was under offer from a private buyer recently, this offer was considered and we have very recently decided not to accept it. During the time it took for the offer to be considered we have evaluated our product, our approach, our competition and current trends, and we believe we could do more to differentiate ourselves from our competition and at the same time really assist our members achieve real results. You may have seen that recently the Guildhall Shopping Centre has started its £1.2 million renovation, things are looking better in the centre with new shops coming in and they are planning on the food court being open by the summer time. We are positive it will bring much higher footfall to the centre and can only be positive for the gym going forward. We are committed to pushing forward and making our gym a success, we will be investing in the club in the first quarter of the year, making the product stronger and we want it to be the obvious choice in Stafford! Results matter We want to turn i-motion into a results driven community. We want you to gain real results, we want to educate and make excellent health and fitness a reality for the people in our community. We want I-Motion to be THE GYM which will help you become the person you want to be. How we plan to do it 1. Improving the member journey: We will look to introduce new short consultations with everyone who joins (if they wish to do this) and offer exercise and health advice, give them a programme based around their fitness goal and recommend the group exercise classes that will benefit them the most. Once ready to go, this can also be taken up by current members. 2. Improving group exercise timetable: We will be looking to introduce the correct blend of classes through the week that will allow members to have a holistic approach to their fitness. We are very lucky to have excellent and very experienced personal trainers (PT’s) within our gym, we are changing the PT model slightly to allow for these PT’s to take a variety of small group classes offering members the benefit of their knowledge and experience. We will still be keeping the majority of current classes on the timetable, especially classes that have proven to perform consistently well via analysis of attendance figures. We will then add extra PT led classes after analysing customer demand over the next few weeks. 3. Improving the website: We will add more education to our website so it becomes a hub of information regarding health and exercise recommendations, it will be a ‘go to’ place for advice. 4. Improving social media content: As above we plan to introduce a lot more education and interaction with our posts. We will publish regular blogs touching on exercise, holistic health and nutrition, along side regular informative posts from our own trainers, instructors and our resident physiotherapist Nathan Wharton. 5. Development of a HIIT studio: We are looking to extend the current virtual studio and turn it into a HIIT studio specialising in treadmill based HIIT classes. These classes give you a full body workout in just fifty minutes, they’re more guided than a typical visit to the gym and they will be high energy with a fantastic atmosphere. We are hoping to do this during the first quarter of 2018. 6. Extension of free weights zone on the ground floor, to significantly increase the number of benches and lifting areas. Again to be done during the first quarter of 2018. 7. Development of new membership packages guaranteeing results and offering more personalised approach with constant varied and progressive programming, regular health and fitness testing and physiotherapy/massage sessions included. 8. We are continually pushing for the upper studio to be extended and we will add mirrors to the main studio in the coming weeks as we know this has been a widespread and consistent request from a lot of members. Next steps we need to take 1. Adjustments to the timetable: some classes have been removed in the short term due to low attendance figures. 2. I personally will attend classes or speak with members who are in the club in order to gain feedback and work with our members to devise ideas for extra classes to be added over the next couple of weeks. The idea is that there will be at least 2 options in each time slot at 3 days a week and at least 1 option at other times. To avoid confusion the main time slots are 0630-0800; 0930-1100 and 1730-2000. 3. We will place an order for studio mirrors and new mats and other bits around the gym that may have been requested such as a hex bar for the free weights area. 4. Then the plan is to start getting stuck into the work described above and we would like everything functional before the end of March. To finish Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I hope you have taken from it that we are passionate about improving our gym for the benefit of you guys. I will be basing myself at the club for the next few months and I promise, along with Carl, George, Sophie and the rest of our team to try my best to deliver for you all. I will always make myself available for any questions or feedback, so feel free to visit me in club and I will always give you open and honest answers. Kindest regards Rick Thompson I-Motion gym
As a gym we are always looking to improve for our members. In the early part of 2018 we will be investing in the gym, as we always have, to make our offering even stronger. State of the art equipment, amazing classes, awesome staff and most importantly results for our customers, remain at the heart of everything we do. We look forward to an incredible New Year with you all. Team i-motion
Kick off your 2018 with i motion. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy new year! #HappyNewYear #NewYearNewMe
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We'd like to wish all of our staff and friends a wonderful 2018. Goodbye 2017! 🍾🎉 #HappyNewYear #Goodbye2017 #Hello2018 #NewYearNewStart #Rotherham #Stafford