J Pacey & Sons
J Pacey & Sons was established in 1981, started out as livestock then went general haulage. In 1996 turned into bulk haulage. Now also offer lowloader hire
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facebook.comSo after a couple of hours perseverance sourcing jump leads and getting the truck up a muddy lane. We got the tractor started and pumped the tyre up and got the job done! Made the 3:30 start worth while.
Early start this morning
First one of 2018 Happy new year to everyone ,All the best for 2018
Last wash of 2017!
Still at it , Can’t moan it is load 18 this wk crack on drivers
A few pics of us out and about!
Quick wash down last night ,nice tip this morning breakfast next
Double load up today
Quick wipe around while I wait for tomorrow’s load!