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Crafty Dottie

11 west end, Holbeach, United Kingdom
Party Supply & Rental Shop



Balloon Decor, Party Event Packages, Backdrop hire, Personalised gifts, Personalised balloons, Call, Email, Message or Book an appointment to see me.   Beautiful, Unique Gifts for anyone, personalised available too ask for more details


W e d d i n g A c t i v i t y B o o k s Weddings! Keeping little ones busy! While speeches and cake cutting! Look at this stunning personalised on every page activity book for your guests littleones or even your bridesmaids/pageboys #bridetobe2018 #pink #blue #wedding #bridesmaids #bride #groom #motherofthebride #bedifferent #unique #bulkorder #discount #message #ordertoday #craftydottie #2018 #2019

P l e a s e N o t e The shop will be closed on Tuesday 6th February due to me being at a business event. I will still be contactable via the page and phone. Excited!!! New stock plan for 2018!

N e w B a b y How beautiful is this range! Absolutely love it! Available to order #justbeautiful #stunning #rosegold #mint #helloworld #badges #banners #guestbook #napkins #plates #order #today #shopsmall #holbeach #craftydottie #standoutfromthecrowd

Eeek! New product We all love the milestone cards! What a fab way to treasure each moment. Xx personalised £9.99 plus p&p #babyboy #babygirl #personalisedgifts #babyshower #justperfect #ordertoday #craftydottie #smallbusiness

H a p p y 6th B i r t h d a y A v a Hope you have a lovely day with your friends! Birthday on a school day is no fun! #birthdaygirl #unicorns #6today #happybirthday #rainbowcolours #lovethese #ordertoday #diary #fillingup #shopsmall #smallbusiness #craftydottie

I t s F r i d a y !! The weeks are passing quickly! Fully booked day! New stock making frames! #busylady #personalisedgifts #ordertoday #open #workhard #standout #craftydottie #holbeach #lincolnshire #shopsmall #smallbusiness

How cute is this beautiful necklace my daughter made me today #justlovehersomuch #thoughtfull #beautiful #handmade #by #evie #blessher

A n n i v e r s a r y 💕 Wow! Busy few days so apologies for no posts! Not enough hours! Thank you for this beautiful order! 60 years! #anniversary #60yearsyoung #diamond #hope #you #have #hadthebesttime #celebrate #balloons #specialgifts #ordertoday #birthdays

B e a u t i f u l I had the pleasure of making this beautiful personalised light frame for a little girl x she loved it! #lightframes #unicorn #personalised #pinksparkles #beautiful #happybirthday #enjoy #ordertoday #craftydottie #holbeach #lincolnshire

N e w N e w N e w How sweet are these balloons 💕 happy sweet 16 birthday girl! Have a fab day! #happybirthday #birthdaygirl #sweetsixteen #order #yours #today #25colours #anyoccassion #party #milestone #christening #weddings #workevents #coporateevents #shopopen #message #to #order #shopsmall #standoutfromthecrowd #smallbusiness #holbeach #spalding #lincolnshire

L o v e T h i s Good morning! Eat glitter for breakfast and shine all day! #itstuesday #lovethisquote #eatglitter #sparkle #allday #shine #bright #haveagoodday #standoutfromthecrowd #craftydottie #opentoday #9am #busyday #fullybooked #holbeach #spalding #longsutton #lincolnshire

H a p p y 2 n d B i r t h d a y Loved doing these beautiful balloons! Happy 2nd birthday alice for tomorrow! #balloons #birthdaygirl #birthday #peppapig #rosegold #two #love #share #havealovelyday #celebrate #ordernow #busydiary #shop #open #tomorrow #9am #seeyouthere #craftydottie #shopsmall #shoplocal #lincolnshire
