Learn Spanish in Southend, Leigh, Thorpe Bay, Essex
Spanish lessons - friendly and professional service at very competitive rates-.
Spanish lessons - friendly and professional service at very competitive rates-.
You can learn Spanish one-to-one or in a small group of your colleagues, friends or family.
For further information please contact mariajotaus@yahoo.com Ph.01702 309828 Mob.07535686134.
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I humbly request your financial help ... I urgently need to return to my country to be able to offer moral support to my siblings and grandmother; and at the same time pay my respects to the grave of my father who died today, Tuesday, December 20 at approximately 06:30 am (UK). My husband and I are still deep in debt trying to pay all the expenses that represented the sudden trip to Ecuador that I had to make a couple of months ago because of the death of my nephew Carlitos. Please, I appeal to your goodwill, any contribution is immensely welcomed and appreciated. Please Bank transfer to Maria J Tighe-Andrade. Lloyds: Sort code 30-97-84 - Account : 14136360 My father, among his many talents, was also a great drawer and caricaturist; so I suggested him a couple of weeks ago to design a book of activities to color and cut, along with comic strips of Latin American characters to enable me to make known his art in my country of residence (England) ... As a way of thanking for your economic contributions I am holding a Raffle of 3 ‘Superhéroes Sudamericanos’ Activity Booklets The raffle will be drawn on Boxing Day and will be recorded LIVE on facebook. The draw will take place at approximately 1pm. For help, please either post on this publication, message me on 075 35 68 61 34, or to mariajotaus@yahoo.com I do realise that this is the worst time of year to be asking such a huge favour, I will be eternally grateful for any help big or small xxMaría