Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Healing with acupressure
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facebook.comDepression is another of life's teachers.. If you suffer from depression I'm here to tell you that it's not all bad and that it's here to teach us a lesson except we don't see it. The reason you get depression is because of unsolved issues which in turn cause anxiety. The good news is the power is in your hands...yes it is. Take a look at your life...are you with the person you want to be with?. Are you living where you want to be?. Are you working in a job you love?. Do I vet enough out of life?. These are just a small sample of questions we have on a daily basis..but do we answer them honestly..more often than not we don't. Take control be honest with yourself and you'll soon be on your way back from the black hole you've found yourself in. And now the weather's changing get out more and breathe in earth energy. Have a worry free week.
Your Ego is not your is your protector,your warrior,your helper in life. All you have to do is keep it in check and recognise that it is there to help you and is with you throughout your life as a companion. If there was no Ego we would never move forward. To help you with your Ego and to accept it as your companion carry moonstone on your journey
This week's lessons in life. listen to your body.. what does this mean exactly... Well let me many of you out there have some kind of disease,ailment,pain, or complaint of some kind and how many of you have said why do I feel like this... pretty much all of you. So basically I'm here to teach you how to treat these complaints by listening to your body so here goes..step one..the next time you have let's say a headache...ask yourself what has caused this headache...think about... what did you last eat and when? Do I feel stressed what made me feel like this...still your mind and wait for an ituitional may have a thought or hunch to try something different may be a food of some sort, or you may want to go for a walk...anything dont ignore your feelings. Step 2 We all have a conscious and a subconscious the conscious is your forward brain that does all the day to day running of your life and makes judgments also known as your ego this part tries to protect you and forms your personality...this is the part of have to keep in check....then there is the subconscious this is your knowledge center and knows things that you are not even aware of it is also your partner in life and you need to start today in making it your best friend you may even want to give it a you remember when people used to say you're going mad because your talking to yourself..turns out your not so mad after all. So the next time you need help with yourself ask your subconscious what it is that it needs...remember it is in your subconscious,s interest to do what's best for learn to trust it this is why it is also known as your intuition... Step 3 you have the ability to heal yourself. in most cases all you need to do is trust the process. You may be steered to a particular healer or take up a new hobby, before you dismiss these thoughts give them some time.
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Your Ego is not your is your protector,your warrior,your helper in life. All you have to do is keep it in check and recognise that it is there to help you and is with you throughout your life as a companion. If there was no Ego we would never move forward. To help you with your Ego and to accept it as your companion carry moonstone on your journey
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Good evening on the 15th of March we will be having a psychic medium night at the Shoebury Studio in Shoeburyness of course, with the wonderful Kerry Standfast. Tickets will start at £15 or £20 with a meal. There will be more details to follow...follow shoebury studio on your Facebook for all events in the future.
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Allow people to come and go in your life without needing to control how they show up or leave. Everything and everyone has a purpose, how long that purpose serves you depends on the experience that you are having. When you grow, change and heal, these changes will reflect in your life. Be at peace with it. There is a greater plan f
HAPPY NEW YEAR. I'm hoping to host some Medium evenings at The Shoebury studios this year. Let me know if you are interested as a genuine medium and also if you would like to come. The venue has a bar and food facilities which can be included in the tickets.
Good afternoon I've not posted for a while and just wondered if people still see this page so if you could like it for me...that would be great it will help me to know whether to post on here in the future as I have been making plans for the future thanks in advance
This week's lesson: Respect and Boundaries. This lesson was born out of a parenting situation. In order to earn respect we have to establish boundaries..This goes for children as well as adults. When we set a boundary we must make it clear what the boundary is and why we are upset when someone crosses it...This in turn educates the offender and will allow them to make a decision whether to cross the boundary at the risk of upsetting you...This is when respect is learnt. It's no good yelling and screaming at your children for doing wrong unless you have made it clear what it is that upsets you. And the same can be said for your children...they may have set a boundary like don't come in to my room but unless they have told you, you will upset them. It's good to talk to your children about boundaries and respect as soon as they are old enough to talk. We use the excuse like not having time for all that. But believe me the time spent when they are young will save you loads when they're older. Have a worry free week.
The Endocannabinoid System and How THC Kills Cancer