MJ Car Detailing
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Nickys Range Sport
The Paintwork on this car was a not all that be4, There was a number of little Scratches on the Paintwork Before He got it Due to the owner before lived down a lane, I managed to get 98% of them out, In the boot the carpet had a big Rust Mark on it which was in deep and took me around an hour to get it out but it come out in the end and I was more then happy with then result
Terrys Range
This Range Sport Is a Mate of Mine Its a Well keep Car Keep Very Clean, So was a nice easy job this one only took about 5hrs to do full Detail done on this aswell outside only
My Old Focus
This is Were it all Started, In this photo the car was 12 years old and still looking like it had just come out the showroom
Bills Car
This Car is a T Reg has only been cleaned a handful times by local car washes due to the owner being old ( sadly passed away now), this Gent looked out for me as i was growing up if i ever needed anything fixing on my bike he was there, So I fully detailed this car out of Respect to him i Spent arounf 8 Hrs doing it the Paintwork like sand paper to start after i finished it, it was as smooth as anything, plastics was grey as you can see then went back to black with out using any Back to Black, I dont like back to black due to it dont last long RIP Bill ( William Swallow)
My Wifes Car
This is my Wifes Car She dose alot of millage in it so get dirty quick my im there to clean it and look after it
My Skoda
This is My own Car Its An Ex Amblance Service RRV