Al Iman Community Educational Services Ltd
We are a Professionally Managed (Saturday only) Islamic education institute. We teach Arabic with Tajweed & Islamic Studies to Children aged 4+ OUR VISION
We are a Professionally Managed (Saturday only) Islamic supplementary education institute based in Slough. We offer ongoing courses and programs of study in Arabic with Tajweed (correct pronunciation), Islamic Studies (Worship, Manners, Faith and History of Islam).
We begin teaching the Islamic faith to young Muslims aged 4 and above in order to prepare them for a life of purity and sincerity by building strong characteristics and morals based on Islamic ethics.
This is to expose young minds to an education system that primarily teaches values such tolerance, kindness, care, forgiveness, respect and truthfulness etc.
This program of learning will develop a sense of spirituality and build a positive relationship with Allah swt (God) which results in a young person striving to do good deeds for society and the environment in which they live and play.
We will open our doors to all Muslim families from all walks of life, backgrounds, nationalities and socio economic groups and also to any persons of any faith who wish to learn the Arabic Language and learn more about Islam.
We wish to ultimately benefit the public and society at large by setting the building blocks in the lives of young Muslims by helping their parents bring them up to be responsible, educated, decent and wise young adults who refrain from public disorder, crime, harmful substances and who strive to do good in the communities in which they reside by promoting charity, cleanliness and a safe and healthy environment. InshaAllah.
We are a group of young professionals, who have taken time out of their busy lives, to help make this project a reality. We are accountants, bankers, educationists, world class training professionals, quality analysts, all holding university degree qualifications and years of work experience in various sectors.
This is our way of giving back to society and to promote our faith and ethos so that we can inspire the new young generation to achieve and become successful in this life, become positive role models and ambassadors of Islam as well as preparing for the life hereafter.
Our teachers are fully qualified and experienced in teaching the Arabic language with the correct rules of Tajweed (pronunciation).
We carefully select our members of staff and volunteers and are fully committed to promoting the welfare of the young persons who join our Institute. All our members of staff must have a satisfactory enhanced disclosure (DBS check), the right to work and stay in the UK. They also attend our various training programs on Child Protection, Health and Safety at Work, Fire Safety etc.
May Allah swt help us all to promote the beauty of our faith of Islam in all its glory. Ameen.
May Allah swt continue to help us to give His Book its right when we recite it and make reciting it more beloved to our tongues than anything else. Ameen.
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facebook.comAsalamu'alykum dear respected parents. TERM 3 workbooks and resources were given to all students present at school on the 17th March and 24th March. Please ensure students bring these with them on the first day back to school on the 14th of April 2018 Insha'Allah. Those who were absent will receive their books on the first day back after spring break. Insha'Allah.
🎉NEW TERM UPDATE OF NEW WORK🎉 *AL IMAN INSTITUTE YOUTUBE CHANNEL HAS BEEN UPDATED WITH THE NEXT TERM MEMORISATION OF SURAHS AND RECITATION OF NASHEEDS* *Asalamu'alykum dear respected parents.* As you are aware your children in GRADES 1 to 5 will be memorising short surahs from our Short Surah Book at the institute and also as part of their weekly set homework tasks. To help you and your children with this homework task we have setup our very own You Tube channel. *The link for this is:* Or: In the search bar in YOU TUBE type in: *AL IMAN COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LTD* ⚠REMEMBER TO *SUBSCRIBE* TO THE CHANNEL TO FIND IT AGAIN EASILY NEXT TIME AND SO YOU ARE UPDATED WITH CHANGES. When you open the channel, scroll down to *CREATED PLAYLISTS*. 🔸Here you will find a folder for each GRADE and the TERM we are currently in. 🔹In each folder is the Surah your child will be memorising this term. 🔸Find the SURAH related to the current homework and play it for your child. 🔹The surahs we have selected are one's which are especially setup to help aid memorisation and repeats the verses several times. 🔸This means any parent who is not confident in Arabic or Tajweed or pronunciation can use this method to help their child memorise the set lines given for homework that week. 🔹We hope our parents and students enjoy our You Tube channel and find it very beneficial for homework tasks and activities. Please contact us if you have any questions. Jazakallah khair *ARABIC TEACHERS* *AL IMAN INSTITUTE*
***WOMEN'S TAJWEED COURSE*** *STARTING SATURDAY 21st APRIL 2018* 🌴Asalamu'alaykum dear sisters. 🌷 📝Admissions are now open for next level of women's tajweed course. LEVEL 2 TAJWEED COURSE ✔Saturdays 11.30am to 1.15pm ✔THREE MONTHS STRUCTURED COURSE. ✔FANTASTIC VALUE AT ONLY £75 FOR 3 MONTHS. GENERAL INFORMATION: ✔Experienced Female Arabic Teacher ✔Entry Test at Admission ✔Age 18+ years only ✔Professional environment ✔Modern teaching methods ✔Learning Materials Provided ✔Fatantastic Affordability at £50 a course if you take both! 📞📱📧Call, text or email on 07716148855 / 🎁 *Please share with any sisters who maybe interested*. 💝 *Jazakallahu Khairan*
*TEACHER TRAINING @ AL IMAN INSTITUTE* *AUTISM BERKSHIRE* *TALKING SENCE ABOUT AUTISM* As part of Al Iman's initiative to provide islamic knowledge to a wide range of children, I attended the first of many courses to come, on Autism. The aim is to train myself and then pass down relevant training to my colleagues on how we can help children on the autism spectrum to have a better learning experience at our school. This is an area which unfortunately, we as a whole community are trying to come to terms with. We want to be able to raise awareness on how to recognise if there is an issue; leading to making life easy for the children on the spectrum at school. We are trying to bring in steps to integrate children with special needs by taking small steps in our classrooms. Examples of those steps will be: 》giving short and clear instructions 》making routines which are repeated in class 》using visual and sensory prompts 》making sure children are gradually timed off an activity with enough reminders. 》understanding the different needs and learning styles for children with autism and bringing those into practice. Insha'Allah this is just the beginning. We pray that Allah swt helps us through this journey and accepts our efforts. Ameen. *DR ATIYA ZAIDI* *AL IMAN INSTITUTE*
🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Asalamu'alykum dear respected parents. Alhamdulilah our end of Term Awards Ceremony for GRADES 1 & 2 on the 17th March and the Grades 3 to 6 on the 24th of March went very well on Saturday! We started off with recitation of Quran ul Kareem by brother Islam. He moved us with his amazing recitation and the children listened in such peace and awe. It was a sight indeed! As we progressed the children were so excited and happy with the rewards and prizes. This term we had 150 prizes to give away to our 1st, 2nd, 3rd winners and 7 runner up prizes per class. Everyone who participated in the Arts & Crafts competition got a small gift wether they won or not. The excitement in the hall was amazing! Every Grade recited one of the Surahs they had memorised that term. They also performed their nasheed for that term! We gave away hundreds of certificates! Many students achieved 100% Attendance amongst so many other achiements this term. Everyone had an amazing time. Everthing went to plan and we hope our invited guests and parents also had a great time. Please see a few pictures of the hall moments before it was full of parents, students and staff. Subhan'Allah! May Allah swt keep the noor of our beautiful deen forever in our children's hearts and minds. Wassalam.
Grade 6 girls Arabic 24/03/2018 We continued recitation of the Holy Quran and alhamdulillah read 15 pages as planned. The girls read meaning and tafseer of surah Taha. Ten frequent words of the Quran were discussed with their meanings. The main point of tajweed that we focused on today was the use of hamzatul wasl. Besides thisstudents were reminded to apply qalqalah, shaddah, correct strerching of madds and correct pronunciation of four letters. After the lesson the students attended the end of term awards assembly. Masha'Allah as expected they were well behaved, they enjoyed their place as the senior most class of the school.
Grade 5 Islamic studies 24/03/2018 Today we had a very short lesson due to the awards assembly. In our very short time we covered the very important topic of earing through halal means. The students were as always very enthused about the topic and provided excellent t participation. We discussed why we need to earn in the first place, what are halal and what are haraam means. In the end i told them a story of a man who met Moosa a.s.....the main idea of the story was rizq and barakah. I really tried to make the students realise that rizq(sustenance) is written and fixed for everyone but barakah (blessing and abundance) comes through our own deeds. When earned through halal means and spent the correct way Allah swt puts barakah in our wealth. The students were very attentive and enjoyed the story.
24/03/2018 5a 5b 1⃣We read juzz amma سورةنوح with tajweed rules . 2⃣we did Surat almaauun الماعون 3⃣In Arabic work book we did very excited lessons the children love it we explained some words from Quran in Arabic and how many times we found this words in the Quran.
اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 24/3/18 Grades 4a. 4b. 4c. 📒we did reading practise revision from pg 41 to pg 44 from Quran reading book and we test the children the one they didn't come last Saturday. 📒we didn't done Surah test for short time we need it to practise surahs for presentations. 📒Arabic workbook we completed pg 25 we explain them how we separate the words to the alphabets . We signed the certificate at the end.
24/03/2018 4B: Islamic Studies: Wudhu & Salah (Revision activities) ✅Collaborative exercises done as a whole class. Following exercises were done in the classroom. ❇Identifying the mistakes made when performing Wudhu - A scenario was given. ❇The correct method of Wudhu - This consisted of listing each step in the correct order. ❇Identifying the correct positions for Salah. ❇Listing the correct positions in Salah. ❇Identifying prayer times ❇how many rakahs are in each Salah. *24/03/2018* *4C - Islamic Studies:* Recapping Wudhu & Salah (Test based on different activities) ✅Starter Activity: The importance of keeping clean & praying salah. ✅Awards Ceremony. ✅After the awards ceremony, students were asked to complete a range of activities in their Islamic Studies books regarding some the following: 1. Identifying the mistakes made when performing Wudhu - A scenario was given. 2. The correct method of Wudhu - This consisted of listing each step in the correct order. 3. Identifying the correct positions for Salah. 4. Listing the correct positions in Salah. 5. Identifying prayer times 6. Listing how many rakahs are in each Salah. ✅After completing the activities, the students gathered to discuss the importance of Salah. This was done effectively with 2 students in the class who are a part of the young imams training team here at Al Iman Institute. ✅We began to speak about the Adhan, Iqamah and the importance of the call to prayer. InshaAllah this topic will be covered in detail in Term 3. ✅Each student was given feedback on their tests and what they must go over to improve.
*24/03/2018* *3A & 3B - Islamic Studies:* *Dua - Thanking Others:* Some points that were discussed: ✅Why is it important to thank others in Islam? ✅The Dua to thank individuals is = JazakAllah which means - May Allah reward you with good. ✅Grades 3A & 3B learnt that there are 2 ways of saying thank you to people. 1 for males and 1 for females. Although the meaning is the same, there is a slight difference in pronunciation for both males and females. ✅Throughout the lesson, We explored the different scenarios in which we can say the dua “JazakAllah”. ✅We also discussed the importance of thanking Allah (swt) for all that he has given us. ✅As well as thanking our friends and family, It is important we thank Allah. For it is Allah (swt) who has blessed us in many ways. ✅As always, we integrate the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) into our lessons. The Prophet spoke of good manners and how one must always be thankful for everything. ✅To show Allah we are thankful we can say “Alhamdulilah” after everything we do. ✅Role play ✅Nasheed practice before awards ceremony. 24/03/18 Assalam u Alykum Wr Wb In 3C Islamic Studies: 📒We learnt what to say when we want to than others and how to reply back to him. First children were asked if they know something about it. A lot of children knew it. The phrasesجزاك الله and واياكم were drilled and their meanings were explained to them. Then we did role play using same phrases. Children loved it 📒then we learnt the dua we ask when someone says Alhamdulillah. when someone sneezes and says الحمد لله , we should say يرحمك الله . This dua was also drilled followed by a role play. Children took turns and enjoyed this activity. 📒 Islamic workbooks were checked and signed off.