Tenacious Tattoo
Deryn Twelve, Tom Ruki, Joseph Bryan. Steph Newton, Hannah Eaton, Mark Andrews, Matt Craven, Oliver White, Emma Sam, Ugnius Bružinskas. 0114 327 4060. 296 Prince of Wales Road, S2 1FF Tenacious Tattoo is a professional studio within Sheffield. Featuring artists Deryn Twelve, Tom Ruki, Joseph Bryan, Steph Newton, Mark Andrews, Hannah Eaton, Emma Sam and Ugnius Bružinskas. Together we have provided top quality tattoos to customers all over Britain. We strive on providing the best service we can, and have a very dedicated attitude to giving you an excellent tattoo. Styles include Dotwork, Black work, Realism, Soft&Pretty, Traditional and Neo Traditional. Please check out our portfolios at www.tenacioustattoo.com
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facebook.com✖ Hope or despair? ✖ Two Danganronpa designs by Hannah! She'd love to do these two as a pair and will discount them if done this Saturday! Please DM us or email hannaheatontattoo@outlook.com if you'd like to book in with her! 💖
An available chest or sternum piece from Mark. Shading can either be bold (as in the mock ups) or a little more subtle with some lighter shading throughout. For price/availability you can get in touch via the mailbox or DM through Mark's Instagram account (@RunFastEscape).
Emma Sam has space available this month and would love to do this. Pm us or check out her Instagram and contact her @black_fox_tattoo
Is anyone watching the new Cardcaptor Sakura anime? 🌸💕 Hannah is currently experimenting with her style by combining solid colour with some watercolour elements! She still has the sealing key and dream key available from this sheet and would love to take on more pieces that combine these two styles! 💖🌟 If you would like to book in with her please DM us or email hannaheatontattoo@outlook.com 😻💖
Watercolour Mario star by Hannah! 🌟💕 Hannah has one full day available January 17th from 12pm so if you would like to book in with her please DM us or email hannaheatontattoo@outlook.com 😊💖
Edit:CLAIMED. A skull design available from Mark. Mark has very limited space left for January. Head over to his Instagram (@RunFastEscape) to see more available designs.
Edit: Moth CLAIMED. Moth(£60) and butterfly(£50) designs available from Mark. Mark has availability in January and you can see more of his available work via his Instagram account @RunFastEscape. Feel free to message this page or via Instagram for booking info.
Recent Okami piece by Hannah! Hannah would love to take on more watercolour and gaming themed pieces in the new year so feel free to message us or email hannaheatontattoo@outlook.com if you'd like to book in with her! 💖
Available designs by Emma Sam check out her work on Instagram @black_fox_tattoo if you would like to get booked in drop a message here or pm her on instagram 😊
Available sleeve designs by Ugnius. You can find more of he’s work on Instagram @osiris_tattooer or you can also contact him trough email ugttt@mail.com
Recent underbust piece by Hannah! 🐞🎀 Hannah is currently taking bookings for next year so please DM us or email hannaheatontattoo@outlook.com if you'd like to book in with her 😊💖