Hillview Leisure Centre
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facebook.comPILATES & SPIN CLASSES Due to the high demand and limited places in both of these classes it is the customers responsibility to ensure they are booked in to the class each week. The council policy is you can book these classes 7 days in advance meaning eg - if Pilates is taking place on the 27th of February you can phone during facility opening times on that day for the class on the 6th of March. Customers are also informed that when the classes are full they can be placed on the waiting list in case of any cancellations. If a customer has to cancel for any reason it must been done 2 hours before the class to allow the staff to contact customers on the waiting list. (We do understand that in exceptional circumstances this may not be possible) We thank you for your co-operation as your custom is very much appreciated
Hillview Leisure Centre
Hi folks there has been a bag of good clothing found whilst tyding up - if you think your child has lost anything in the facility please feel free 2 pop in this week and look - after this the clothing will be past on 2 a charity- thanks
Hillview Leisure Centre
Only fitness classes at Hillview this week are Spinning - Tuesday 6pm-6.45pm Spinning - Thursday 7pm-7.45pm Aqua Aerobics at Sanquhar Fun Pool 7pm on Wednesday All Get Active members please note that the Gym at Hillview & Fun Pool are available as well as the Swim,Sauna & Steam Room at the Fun Pool which are included in your membership Classes will resume as normal next week and we are sorry for any inconvienience
Hillview Leisure Centre
HILLVIEW LEISURE CENTRES SUMMER PROGRAMME Pre School Gymnastics 2pm-2.45pm 18months-3years Every Monday till 8th August Pre School Gymnastics 3pm-3.45pm 3-4 years Every Monday till 8th August Come Try Gymnastics 5.30pm-6.15pm P1-P7 Every Monday till 8th August Football(mini kickers) 2pm-2.45pm 3-5 years Every Tuesday till 9th August Football 3pm - 3.45pm Every tuesday till 9th August Pre School Bouncy&Play Sessions 10am-11am Every Wednesday till 10th August Bouncy&Play Sessions 2pm-3pm Every Wednesday till 10th August Racket Sports 10am - 11am Every Thursday till 11th August Fun Athletics 2pm - 3pm Every Thursday till 11th August All sessions cost £2.20 Junior First Aid 7th & 28th July 10am -1pm 9-12 years £4.40 per session Come along and have some Fun the sessions are open for everyone!!!!
Hillview Leisure Centre
Would all customers please note that failure 2 attend the gymnastc sessions for 3 consecutive weeks without a genuine reason will result on that place being given 2 someone else as the demand for the classes is so high
Hillview Leisure Centre
No pre school bouncy castle Wednesday 30th March and Wednesday 6th April
Pre School Gymnastic rescheduled from 2pm till 2.30pm start on Thursday the 4th Feb Everyone Welcome Cost £2