Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust aims to be the safest organisation in the NHS by providing safe, clean and personal care to every patient, every time. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust aims to be the safest organisation in the NHS through providing safe, clean and personal care to every patient, every time.
We are an integrated provider of hospital, community and primary care services, including the University Teaching Trust. Our team of 7,000 staff provide local services to the City of Salford and specialist services to Greater Manchester and beyond.
We are an Outstanding Trust – the first Trust in the North of England to achieve the highest rating given by the Care Quality Commission.
We are extremely proud to have some of the highest patient and staff satisfaction rates across Acute Trusts nationally.
Our Services and staff have received a number of accolades, honours and awards which you can read about here:
If you would like to find out more about the Trust and how it’s performing, you can view our strategic publications, including annual reports and plans online at:
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facebook.comTo reduce the risk of spreading flu use tissues when you cough or sneeze, bin used tissues and wash your hands often. Catch it. Bin it. Kill it. #staywellthiswinter #choosewell
Looking for healthier snacking ideas? Sign up for a free pack with vouchers, stickers for the kids and loads of helpful tips and ideas.
The new Northern Care Alliance NHS Group brings together 5 local hospitals, 2,000 beds, specialist & acute services, a range of community services, & over 17,000 staff from Salford Royal and Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
If you’re looking to get healthier in 2018 and join a gym, then try before you buy with Salford Community Leisure. Simply email your address to and you’ll get a Free Gym & Swim pass to use at any of the 8 leisure centres across the city.
You’ll find TfGM’s online guide to Walking Week at but keep an eye out at libraries, leisure centres, GP surgeries and tourist information centres to find a printed brochure. GM Walking
Fruits and vegetables are a perfect snack – and count towards your 5-A-Day. Try having all of yours today!
Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from flu. See how to wash your hands to protect yourself and your family from getting ill. #staywellthiswinter #choosewell
If you’re looking to get healthier in 2018 and join a gym, then try before you buy with Salford Community Leisure. Simply email your address to and you’ll get a Free Gym & Swim pass to use at any of the 8 leisure centres across the city.
Fruits and vegetables make the best snacks. They’re delicious and healthy too! But if you do give your kids a packaged snack, remember our tip: look for 100 calorie snacks, two a day max.
We're so proud of our staff on B6 giving Alfred a special birthday surprise helping him to enjoy his big day. We'd like to thank Alfred's family as well for sharing this beautiful video and expressing their gratitude to our staff.
Test your knowledge with Change4Life’s snacking quiz. Some of the answers may surprise you!