Janice Johnson
Simple ways to Improve Your Life
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YOUR OPINIONS MATTER You receive these opinions in various ways. For instance, through negative self-talk. This is the inner dialogue that is constantly going on in your head. Also the way you put yourself down when talking to other people. By focusing on your 'lack of'. Judging yourself as not being good enough. Criticising what you do and how you do things and highlighting what you ought to have done and haven't. Negative thinking and belittling beliefs. Your beliefs programme you. A belief is something that you accept as true. But what are these limiting beliefs costing you? Stop using damaging dialogue and replace such phrases with something more supportive and creative that will build you up instead of knocking you down. Call me now 01889 575505 Www.janicejohnson.co.uk
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF IS IMPORTANT Negative messages from yourself or other people condition your perceptions If continuously reinforced, these messages will affect how you feel about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you will see other's behaviour, if directed against you, as their problem. Loving yourself is the foundation from which you build a strong base to create the life you want and the person you want to be. As you begin to know yourself better you can stop acting out unnecessary roles, challenge your assumptions, take control of your life, change habits and beliefs, become more selective and learn to say 'no' to others and 'yes' to yourself. Call now on 01889 575505 Www.janicejohnson.co.uk
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
MAKING CHANGES The hardest part of making any changes is the decision to do so, and then taking the necessary action. Often we will put this off by hoping things will get better or putting the blame onto other people. It would be so easy if someone could wave a magic wand over us, but this would mean missing out on your developing self. Gradually we come to the realisation that there is only one person that can put things right, and that is ourselves. So find that core of determination, motivation and inner strength that you can draw on and use to your advantage. Be passionate about yourself and life you desire and find the courage that waits inside of you to be used for this purpose. We all have the power to change and it begins the moment you make that decision. So be bold and be brave and start now. Www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call now 01889 575505
Janice Johnson
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
WHO OR WHAT IS DRIVING YOUR LIFE? Are you in the driving seat of your life or are you a passenger? Are you in charge of where you are going? Do you have a journey in mind or are you aimlessly moving through life? It is OK to be a passenger as long as you are happy and content with where life is leading you. But is someone else making decisions about your life, based on what they think you should be doing? Maybe its time to focus on what you want and how you want life to be. To start developing the person you wish to be and the life you wish to lead. There are elements of our lives about which we can do little, but there will be aspects that can be changed and improved which will create a happier and more rewarding life. Www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call me now on 01889 575505
MIND-BODY CONNECTION The language used to refer to yourself is of real importance. The mind-body connection organises itself around verbal experiences. Words can either be a tool to help yourself or a weapon to hurt. Think about the kind of subliminal messages you give yourself eg, "I can't do that", "I'm useless" or "I'm too old". Destructive thinking creates blockages and blockages are stagnant energy which has an effect on your health and well-being. Your cells, as they die, pass on these negative messages and as your cells are constantly renewing themselves they receive these comments. Stop the harmful thinking and so release the negative blockages. Create uplifting and inspiring thoughts and beliefs, so your life can be transformed and you can heal yourself. Www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call me now 01889 575505
SELF HELP From what clients have said and my own personal experience I know how vulnerable we are as human beings. Destructive thoughts play a major role in creating our self image. Because we are continually thinking, so we are continually constructing. We want to be liked. We want to receive approval. The media promote ideas, especially in magazines, devoted to what we eat, wear, say and do. So we are far more conscious of our appearance and behaviour. Despite the proliferation of self help books and the numerous articles in magazines and journals we can still remain the same. All this knowledge does help in providing awareness and giving us ideas. But what stops us from putting them into practise. Sometimes we can tell ourselves it is too difficult. Maybe, it is difficult, but it isn't too difficult. When we choose to do things that aren't easy, we grow as people and feel good about ourselves and our achievements. So do something for you and help yourself now. www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call me now on 01889 575505
Janice Johnson
SELF HELP From what clients have said and my own personal experience I know how vulnerable we are as human beings. Destructive thoughts play a major role in creating our self image. Because we are continually thinking, so we are continually constructing. We want to be liked. We want to receive approval. The media promote ideas, especially in magazines, devoted to what we eat, wear, say and do. So we are far more conscious of our appearance and behaviour. Despite the proliferation of self help books and the numerous articles in magazines and journals we can still remain the same. All this knowledge does help in providing awareness and giving us ideas. But what stops us from putting them into practise. Sometimes we can tell ourselves it is too difficult. Maybe, it is difficult, but it isn't too difficult. When we choose to do things that aren't easy, we grow as people and feel good about ourselves and our achievements. So do something for you and help yourself now. www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call me now 01889 575505
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
HYPNOTHERAPY Hypnotherapy can help you to achieve positive and lasting results. For instance - Stopping smoking, nail-biting and dealing with eating problems. Managing stress related disorders such as, phobias, panic attacks, insomnia, and irritable bowel syndrome. Helping with personal crises such as, accidents, trauma, miscarriage, bereavement, redundancy, divorce and illness. Optimising psychological well being to deal with stress, anxiety and depression. Achieving personal growth in areas of career, sport, relationships and gaining confidence and self-esteem. www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call me now 01889 575505
11 Things People Don’t Realize You Are Doing Because Of Your Anxiety
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
ANXIETY How to deal with anxiety - Learning how to relax allows the body to loosen up and let go of accumulated tension. Do things you enjoy, read a book, have a bath, walk, or lie down and put on some relaxing music. Alternatively lie quietly and just focus on your breaths coming in and going out. If you know what is causing the anxiety aim to resolve the problems rather than put them off. Remember a problem unsolved remains a problem. Is there someone that can help you? Does the past keep coming back, reminding you of regrets and mistakes? Forgive yourself. Why keep punishing yourself. Learn from the past so you can move on. The more you remind yourself the stronger the effects become. So stop now. If there is anything you can do to right a wrong, and if it would help and you want to, then go ahead. Are you having problems at work or in your relationship. Don't suffer in silence share your thoughts and worries. Can you talk with the person involved and calmly tell them how you feel? Is there anyone else you trust to confide your worries? Stop going down the 'what if' route. Any future predictions are imagination because as yet the future hasn't happened. Be real and only focus on what is happening now. I know these remedies are brief due to limitation of space but if you are unable to sort things out yourself then do seek my help. Nothing is worth making yourself ill over and spoiling the quality of your life. www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call Me Now 01889 575505
Janice Johnson – Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist
ANXIETY Anxiety is an umbrella term for many feelings and emotions. Anxiety can be as a result of being scared, having a feeling of dread and fearing something or someone. Anxiety can be felt as unease, nervousness, apprehension or panic. Anxiousness can be due to stress, tension and worry, which may involve people, events from the past, and future predictions of what might happen. The effects of anxiety will be felt throughout various parts of the body but especially the stomach and abdominal area. Anxiety is distressing and can make you feel ill. See next week where I shall give you some ideas on how you can help yourself. www.janicejohnson.co.uk Call Me on 01889 575505