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Smoke No Smoke UK

34 Regent Street, Rugby, United Kingdom
Shopping & Retail



Smoke No Smoke UK 1. The E- cigarette is an alternative to the regular tobacco cigarette

2. There is no burning process which happens inside the e-cigarette. Therefore no contaminants known from the regular tobacco cigarette will be formed, like for instance tar or carbon monoxide etc.

3. E-cigarettes often make it possible to smoke in non smoking zones such as restaurants, cars, offices, bars etc. Check for the sign e-smokers welcome

4. E-cigarettes are a fraction of the price of regular tobacco cigarettes. They dont leave annoying smells and dont leave dirtfilms in your home, office or car.

Are you curious? Then visit us in our store when we open in January, @ 34 Regent Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2PS and we will be happy to serve you.

About us

Smoke no smoke uk
34 Regent Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2PS

the Profile picture is a copright of

All other Pictures are property oft he company Uellendahl & Partner GmbH. They are copyrightd and are copyright protected.

CEO J Lacey
Smoke No Smoke UK
Vat Reg Number: 124 1574 39
Battery Back compliance number: BCS / 2010864 / E

Data privacy protection refferences
We take data privacy very serious and treat your personal data as it is regulated by the law

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A big thank you goes out to all our customers for referring their friends and family to us. Its great to see so many new starters, willing to try and kick the habit of smoking. Good luck to all our new starters and thank you again to our customers as always. Best wishes - Smoke No Smoke Team

Thank you to all our loyal customers throughout 2016. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!! Thank you to our staff for your hard work and effort also!!! Best wishes - Jim

Hi Folks, this year we will be closed Christmas Day and open on Boxing Day from 10.00 - till 2.00. The last postage orders need to be in by Tuesday night on the 20th December for delivery before Christmas. We would like to thank all our loyal customers for their custom throughout 2016 and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year. x

Hi Folks, Why not come and join us for nibbles and tipples at our CHRISTMAS BONANZA WEEKEND. Friday 16th and Saturday 17th December 2016. OFFERS for this weekend only will be:- Buy 3 gold liquids and get 3 free instead of the usual 2. Buy any set up and get second half price. We are also selling raffle tickets as of today £1.00 per strip. FIRST PRIZE - Aspire Odyssey Mini Kit. SECOND PRIZE - Double 900mah set. THIRD PRIZE - 5 Gold Liquids. Winners to be announced Friday 30th December 2016. Good luck! Proceeds to Macmillan and Myton Hospice. We look forward to seeing you and happy vaping!!! Smoke No Smoke Team.

Hi Folks, its Black Friday madness time - We are offering 350mAh double sets for £20.99, 650mAh double sets for £24.99 and 900mAh double sets for £29.99. Whats more, all sets come with TWO extra spare atomizers. This offer will be run from Friday the 25th until stocks run out. Be quick as they wont hang around for long. Happy Vaping folks.

Hi Folks, this weekend, (Friday and Saturday, if you purchase three gold liquids, you can also buy 6 wine bottle atomizers for £15.00, as well as receiving your extra two liquids free. Only while stocks last on the wine bottle atomizers though. Happy vaping!!!

Hi Folks, for the rest of November, if you buy three gold liquids, you will get two extra free and also the chance to buy a Double 900mAh set in case for £34.99. Happy vaping!!!

Hi Folks, its great to see so many new starters coming through Smoke No Smoke during October, and also so many old faces coming back to either try again or coming back to the place they like and know. Happy vaping!!!

Hi Folks, Are you ready for Stoptober????? We are!!! To encourage new starters, we will give Three Gold liquids, for every referral you send to us, who start vaping with us. Just ask them to let us know your name, so we can let you have your free liquids. Also if you decide to upgrade or buy a spare set, you will also get two extra free liquids with your set. This offer runs throughout October. Remember to mention Facebook offer to qualify. Happy Vaping!

Today only in the Rugby store, we are selling the 900mAh double sets for £34.99. Only while stocks last. mention facebook offer to qualify when you enter the store. Happy vaping folks!!!

Hi Folks, this weekend, we will be giving away a free wine bottle atomizer with any purchase made. Colour of your choice until stocks are gone. Happy Vaping !!!

Hi Folks, just to let you know, we are open today from 10.00 until 2.00. Happy Vaping!!!


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