Natasha Mohammed Global
I work alongside like minded individuals who decided to make a change to their lives and take control of their future.
Let me help you do the same.
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Make the best of your day 🙌🏾
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Three course meal followed by watching Ghost, best Monday night ever! #foodie #foodlover #mojito #desertsarethebest #ghost #ivehungeredforyourtouch #love #mondaynighttreat #nomondayblueshere #lifestyle
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2 hour FaceTime later and we have planned out my month! 😂 February is going to be an exciting one! 💫 #goals #February #planned #exitedforthefuture #2017
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January was great.... But February is going to be even better! #haveconfidenceinyourself #beyou #loveyourselffirst #drinkcoffee #letsgotowork #youngwomanonamission #determinedtosucceed #ownboss #business #opportunity #learn #teamwork #global #friendships
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Today wake up and put your positive pants on 💛 #happytuesday #positivepantson #everyday #beyourbestself #number1 #happyme #mindset #maketodaycount #lovetoday #lovelovelove
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A few months ago I made the best decision of my life. I decided to have my own business and take control of my future not only for myself but for my family. I came across an amazing opportunity to completely change my life by running a business alongside an incredible company. Of course I was sceptical, scared of the unknown and often thought 'What If?'. However I knew that if I wanted my dream lifestyle I had to do something I had never done before. I now run my business from locations of my choice, I have made the most amazing friends and I also meet ambitious, like minded people wanting to make positive changes to their lives along the way and have the privilege of helping them. This business has given me time to spend with my loved ones, freedom to travel to parts of the world I've always wanted to and so much more. But most importantly the determination to get the very best out of life! What can this opportunity do for you? If you are any of the below please get in touch! ✅self motivated ✅willingness to learn ✅positive ✅ambitious ✅determined Look forward to hearing from you 💛
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Family Day Out ❤️ #love #family #time #saturdayfun #dayout #babies #saycheese #beautiful #beadyeyes #lovethem
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Tonight I had the privilege of spending the evening with a lovely bunch :) Some of those I had never met before but will definitely stay in touch with! Nothing better than meeting new, genuine people! I love it :) xx #pamper #coffeelover #women #powerful #friendship #business #steppingoutsidemycomfortzone
Network marketing heralded as best business venture for 2017
Do you know what "The Best Business Idea to Start in 2017" is? Network marketing! I am so proud and excited to be apart of this industry and so glad I made the decision to take that step to have my own business. My Journey so far has involved meeting new and inspiring people, having a lot of laughs and also a lot of learning. If you want to be apart of this rapid growing industry then decide now to take a look. #decide #time #businessowner #personaldevelopment #excited
Natasha Mohammed- Global Business's cover photo
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Although we are thousands of miles apart, our FaceTime 'catch ups' are always the best! Talking business and gossip, I love it! #business #US #global #friendship #teamwork #goals #2017 #dedication #future #excited #love