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Rightchoice e-cigs

Stockport Road , Romiley, United Kingdom



e-cigs for sale

Contact us 07974 030307 or email Why choose Rightchoice e-cigs
According to, a new study into the effects of electronic cigarette by a World Health Organisation (WHO) expert found that passive vaping leaves NO effect on the blood of non-vapers.  Not only that, it left no effect on smokers who actually used the electronic cigarettes. In contrast, the study reported that both active and passive smoking tobacco based cigarettes lead to an increase in the number of white blood cell, lymphocyte, and granulocyte counts in blood”.  The author, Andreas Flouris, is a former expert researcher for the World Health Organisation.

The Benefits of using e-cigs.
•   e-cigs are harmless.
•   e-cigs are a much cheaper way of smoking, huge cost savings.
•   e-cigs can help you quit smoking and save you money.
•   No need to buy matches or lighters.

Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals, e-cigs contain nicotine and natural substances only.  

