Team Sasha Rescue & Dog Groomers
Dog Grooming Salon/Rescue
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We have a cancellation today for 1:30. Please inbox if you would like us to book your dog in 💚
Here's Willow she's had her first every schnauzer cut today 😀💚 xx
Come on guys ... there must be someone out there. How can you resist this face 🤣. Joking aside ... We all know this poor lads fate if he ends up in the dogs home 😢
Here's two separate rescues we took in today 💚 the cat was living on the streets fed by neighbours 😢 and the staffy was a owner surrender as they didn't know how to care for him and was advised by carers to part with him... so this little man needs URGENT foster care while he is assessed for a new home 💚 or any rescue that can take him in that has space 💚 xx
If you can make it here's a fun day out while helping support the animals 😀💚 xx
Before and after photos of the beautiful 3 dogs that came in yesterday! 💚 xx
We have met many 😂 xx