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Crystal Encounters

6 Rendlesham Mews Retail & Business Centre, Woodbridge, United Kingdom
Cultural Gifts Store



Crystal Shop selling natural crystal specimens, carved crystals, crystal tumblestones, crystal tools. Also crystal therapy, crystal workshops, crystal mediation evenings.
Crystal Encounters is located near Woodbridge on the A1152 between Rendlesham & Eyke villages.The shop is open Tuesday-Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm. Crystal Therapy sessions are also available on Mondays and week days after 4.00p.m.
The shop stocks a range of crystals including tumblestones, carved shapes, tools and natural specimens including rare and specialised pieces sourced from all over the world.
Also stocking giftware, incense, candles, resins, jewellery, books & C.D.'s Himalayan Salt Products, Aromatherapy oils, dream catchers, wind chimes and fossils.
Crystal Encounters owner is a qualified
crystal therapist and offers soul centred crystal therapy sessions from the shop.

If you are considering how Soul Centred Crystal Therapy can help you please feel free to contact me.



💜 AMETHYST 💜 💜 Inner Peace & Deep Healing 💜 💜 Spiritual Awareness 💜 💜 Purification 💜 💜 Protection 💜 Probably the most well known crystal and the stone which seems to start many peoples love affair with crystals is Amethyst. Amethyst is another crystal which is perfect to place in your home or work space. It relieves stress and anxiety, relieves depression, anger and rage and helps to alleviate sadness connected to loss of any sort thereby bringing inner peace and healing. It has protective energies which transmutes negative energy into positive energy. It helps to purify the mental and emotional bodies. When meditated with, it expands our spiritual awareness by connecting us to the divine source. Crystal Encounters is open Tuesday - Saturday 10.00a.m. - 4.00p.m. Plenty of free parking on site - credit cards accepted - Loyalty Scheme.

❤️ ROSE QUARTZ ❤️ ❤️ Love yourself Love one another ❤️ ❤️ Be kind to yourself Be kind to others ❤️ ❤️ Show compassion towards yourself Show compassion towards others ❤️ We cannot show these things to others unless we can feel them towards our-self; it's all about equal energy relationships, to give, you must be able to receive. If you are thinking of having a crystal in your home then Rose Quartz is the one. It is a really important stone to have in the home or work space. Its gentle energy, slowly fills the space, keeping the energy connected to the flow of unconditional, universal love, kindness and compassion and it ensures that all interactions with one another are positive. This is why it is often referred to as the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. ❤️

CRYSTAL ENCOUNTERS ON LINE I don't know if I have said this before but did you know you can buy from me on-line? Here are just some of the reviews I have received from on-line customers today: . "When I received this sphere, I couldn't help but notice the sheer beauty of mother natures work.Thank you." "Wonderful crystal that empowers me in my writing and communication. Arrived promptly, well packaged and full of wonderful energy. Thank you". "The item was just as described. It arrived in fantastic time. Really pleased and will buy from the seller again!"

A LITTLE CRYSTAL GRID FOR MOTIVATION So things have been going well for a while, I have tons of projects in the pipeline, however due to lack of energy I have not been able to finish any of them so today as a little boost to lift my energy and to find the motivation to finish these projects I have built myself a simple crystal grid to help. Orange Calcite to boost the energy and for motivation, Dalmation Japser to help ground the ideas that are circling in my head into reality and citrine for increased energy, positivity to bring about success of finishing these projects and also to cleanse the restrictions that were stopping my progression.

I was fortunate enough to meet the lovely ladies from Cosy Camping this week. They have a beautiful peaceful site, where you can get away from it all, kick back and immerse yourself in nature. Personally I am looking forward to a little break here in the very near future in one of their cosy pods and spending the evening warming myself in front of one of their fire pits and looking at the starry night sky.❤️

Had to wait a while for the cloud to clear but eventually got a shot of last nights full moon. Who remembered to put their crystals out?

CRYSTAL ENCOUNTERS - RENDLESHAM MEWS - RENDLESHAM Crystal Encounters stocks a large range of natural and carved crystals, tumblestones, crystal tools and fossils sought from all over the world, many of which are ethically sourced. Also a stockist of Nag Champa incense range, Anne Stokes gift ware, dreamcatchers, windchimes, candles, essential oils, Himalayan salt products, greeting cards and cultural gifts. Located at Rendlesham Mews, Rendlesham IP12 2SZ, The shop is open Tuesday - Saturday 10.00a.m - 4.00p.m. Plenty of free parking on site. Credit card payments accepted. Loyalty card scheme in place.

NEVER JUDGE A ROCK BY IT'S COVER!! Beautiful natural Agate nodule. Don't forget Crystal Encounters is open Good Friday, 10.00a.m - 4.00p.m. Having had lots of new stock arrive this week, the shelves are positively creaking under the weight so come and see what's new.


JUST FOR FUN!! I had an enjoyable trip to the wholesaler this weekend so lots of lovely new pieces going on the shelves today. In my endeavours to bring you new and exciting pieces I picked up these interesting items (see photo). Anyone want to have a guess what they are?

CRYSTAL ENCOUNTERS - RENDLESHAM MEWS - RENDLESHAM Crystal Encounters stocks a large range of natural and carved crystals, tumblestones, crystal tools and fossils sought from all over the world, many of which are ethically sourced. Also a stockist of Nag Champa incense range, Anne Stokes gift ware, dreamcatchers, windchimes, candles, essential oils, Himalayan salt products, greeting cards and cultural gifts. Located at Rendlesham Mews, Rendlesham IP12 2SZ, The shop is open Tuesday -Saturday 10.00a.m - 4.00p.m. Plenty of free parking on site. Credit card payments accepted.

GOOD.PEOPLE OF RENDLESHAM. Are you repulsed by the smell of cheesy manure filling the air again today? If so pop into Crystal Encounters where we have a growing range of lovely incense all designed to lift the mood and delight your senses.😀
