Innersights' vision is to provide holistic approach to treating mind, body & soul Innersights Professional Holistic Training, offer a variety of massage and holistic therapy courses for professionals and beginners, including continual professional development courses (CPD), Whether you are a qualified practitioner looking to develop your skills or are a raw beginner, interested in taking a weekend massage course Innersights Professional Holistic Training, based at the Yoga Ananda Centre in Reigate has something for you. Visit for more information and course dates.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss
The breath is life.... the air is full of happiness, why don't people breathe consciously 😬🙏🏼 I'm always telling my patients to breathe and I guess they think I'm crazy as they're alive. The difference is always about being mindful, becoming conscious of they way you breathe. Stress anxiety and tension creates shallow breathing, shallow breathing holds pain and anguish. Learning to breathe properly will help with many different illnesses. Enjoy it's free. ❤️😁🙏🏼
Especially for pregnant mummies ❤️
Are you interested in lowering your cholesterol, If so take a look at this video, because you might just learn something new?
Join me this Friday for still flowing yoga, it's time for connection of mind body and spirit. Looking forward to seeing you.
Feeling in pain, on a physical or emotional level? It's time Let go of those Trapped emotions.....
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing, because it allows us to get through our daily lives efficiently. But unfortunately, sometimes we learn patterns that damage our bodies–like sitting hunched over at a computer. The mind is also a muscle, sometimes we need to let go of unhelpful mind chatter. The only way to change these deeply learned muscular patterns is to re-educate the nervous system.
Excellent news .... 🤗
Wise words of wisdom ❤️
Invest in yourself this February or March 25 to our popular anxiety workshop. Only £30.00 for life-changing knowledge, any questions feel free to ask.
Love is in the Air! Remember to book your appointment or buy a Valentine's gift voucher for that special person. 07746248609