Ramsgate Historical Society
Please email photos/questions to ramsgatehistoricalsociety@hotmail.co.uk
Est. 2007 - No membership fee just click 'like' & 'share' button and enjoy I'm sorry I have to post this but circumstances have made it impossible to let this go without comment. The watermark across my photos stays. I check with contributors and if they don't want it then that's fine by me. So for the few people who keep on and on Private Messaging me etc., if you don't like the watermark then please unlike this page. I know a watermark can be removed its not rocket science, but don't keep telling me you can, I'm not stupid and I will take appropriate action. All rights reserved Ramsgate Historical Society
I started this page hoping people would enjoy looking at a past Ramsgate hopefully to evoke good and happy memories which can embellish an image, that's why I like FB for the way YOU can comment and connect with others, but not the moaning!
I take no resposibility for comments made by others on these pages but if you are offended by any comment please contact me. Please dont leave comments that may offend or use bad language. Thank you.
Regards TDUBU
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facebook.comNewington Digital Watermark - Copyright 2017. Paul Baker. Ramsgate Historical Society
Ramsgate Historical Society
Excellent image kindly sent in by Carole Philpott. One of the Lavender Farm kiosk at Cliffs End. Ramsgate Historical Society
Photo from the late Basil Bailey collection. Ramsgate Historical Society
A typical private bathroom at the Granville Hotel c.1910. Ramsgate Historical Society
Dumpton School. Broadstairs. Photo - Basil Bailey Ramsgate Historical Society
The Cooling Room - Turkish Baths. Granville Hotel c.1910. Ramsgate Historical Society
R.12 Photo - Basil Bailey Ramsgate Historical Society
Granville Hotel - Turkish Baths. c.1910 Ramsgate Historical Society
Sharing this photo (from the collection of the late Basil Bailey) Pegwell Hovercraft. I found a note with the photo which reads: - "The person at the top of the steps is my Mum. We were invited on the inaugural trip". Her comment - "I've had more comfortable journey's on a bus" Priceless - please keep sending your photos in Ramsgate Historical Society
The East Cliff Clowns. Photo - Late Basil Bailey Ramsgate Historical Society
Ramsgate Port. Photo - late Basil Bailey. Ramsgate Historical Society