Father's House Sabbath Congregation
Father's House is a Sabbath keeping Congregation. We meet to worship on Sabbath. We celebrate the biblical feasts and follow Torah which Yeshua fulfilled as well as providing educational courses on Hebraic roots. Directions to Father's House from the large Queensferry roundabout. Take the road towards Flint and Connah's Quay - passing Asda. After driving a few hundred yards, turn right at the traffic lights into Evans Way - by the Pizza Hut. Continue on Evans Way, passing Lidl and round the rear of B&Q and passing a garage on the left and turning next left into Rowley's Park, Father's House is the first unit on the left.
Join us for one of our services.
Saturday 2.30pm (Sabbath service)
Tuesday 10.30am (The Well)
We are all unique as individuals, likewise God has given our church a uniqueness, our calling perhaps being different from others but none-the-less challenging and exciting as we find ourselves “walking on water” at every turn in our church life!
God has networked us with like-minded Christian bodies throughout the country which has brought healthy diversity and built strong links across denominational and county boundaries. We enjoy receiving different visiting speakers from varying backgrounds and experience, we host regular Ladies Seminars and we try to host one large conference every other year. Our children know they are treasured and partake in exciting activities in their groups ‘The Tribes’. They not only learn about God but are enabled to practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit and are regularly called to pray for others within the service.
We preach radical holiness, separation from the things of the world and determination to be “transformed into His likeness” encouraging believers to both view and live the Christian life from a Higher Perspective
This separation from the things of the world has caused us to align ourselves with the feasts and celebrations of God rather than of man. Therefore we do not celebrate Christmas and Easter, but rather the Levitical feasts of God. Please contact us for more information.
Praise and Worship
This is our priority and that which we love to do: actively, noisily, intensely, deeply, quietly and for as long as we can!
Israel and Replacement Theology
God has not forgotten her nor abandoned her. We do not teach Replacement Theology (i.e. the church has replaced Israel). We preach Jesus, a Jew, brought up celebrating the festivals which God ordained and which the Apostles and early church continued to practice until the fourth century. Jesus fulfils ALL God’s feasts!
Sabbath Services
Our end of Sabbath services take place on Saturdays , between 2.30 - 5pm and include an extended time of Holy Spirit-led worship, giving freedom for prophetic word and song, followed by the Word of God. Holy Communion is on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Coffee and cakes are served after each service.
The leadership team of course fulfil a pastoral role throughout the week.
Tell your friends
facebook.comPlease pray for the families and friends of those who have lost their lives in the Israel floodings. Blessings Lynda
What does a refusal to recognise something indicate to us? Antisemitism is best measured, not by statistics, but by the extent to which society tolerates it. Last evening the Board of Deputies and the Jewish leadership Council met with the leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn. One of the things they requested from Mr Corbyn was that the labour party adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Anti-Semitism. This definition has been adopted by the Government, the Welsh Assembly and Merseyside City Council. The adoption of such a definition as Policy in Public bodies is admirable as is a statement of vigorous opposition to an age old hatred. Antisemitism in society can also be measured by the amount of support there is for such things as Holocaust memorial. For many years we at Fathers House in North Wales have conducted surveys which show that there is massive support for and little opposition to Holocaust Memorial. These surveys show that most people believe antisemitism is a stain on society and that we should remember what has happened in history to prevent us repeating it. I am encouraged by the opinions of ordinary members of our society which show that we are not an antisemitic hate filled society but one which is compassionate and respectful of the rights of others to live in peace and that anti-Semites are in a minority. However it is clear that leaders, who represent many of ordinary people, are not reflecting their views and by their unwillingness to acknowledge the hate of the past are sending out a message which is likely to encourage rather than discourage antisemitism. The meeting last night rejecting the adoption of the IHRA definition is not isolated within labour. We at Fathers House have remembered Holocaust for over fifteen years. We have done so by having exhibitions in such places as Libraries, Public buildings and in the last three years at Liverpool Cathedral and Liverpool Town Hall. This January on Holocaust Memorial day 27th January we had a service at Fathers House to which we had invited Cllr. Aaron Shotton our local Labour councillor who is also leader of Flintshire County Council. In the past we have had other leaders of Flintshire County Council attend Holocaust events including a time when we had a speaker from Yad Vashem the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. Cllr Shotton’s secretary diarised his visit and I called his office early in January to confirm his attendance. We created a leaflet to advertise the event and his attendance and purchased refreshments for hospitality for our special guests. To our surprise Cllr. Shotton did not arrive and left no apology for not doing so. I called his office the following day to ask what had happened and I was assured by his secretary that Cllr. Shotton would call me to explain. When I didn’t get a call I posted to his office a book which was to be a gift on the night and the leaflet showing his attendance, again I did not receive an acknowledgement. On 20th March I wrote to Cllr. Shotton asking that he consider asking Flintshire County Council to adopt the IHRA definition on antisemitism as Merseyside City Council, another Labour council, had adopted in January. My letter was posted to his office and was supported by an e-mail directly to him attaching the letter. I have not received an acknowledgement to any of those communications. I am extremely saddened that the leader of my own council and a member of a party who I have supported all my life would act in such a way. More so I am saddened that the leader of the labour party would also act in such a manner by denying the opportunity to speak out against hate crime by acknowledging the validity of this definition and acceding to the request by the leaders of the Jewish community to do so. I think we would all agree that for ordinary people we don’t have to speak out in opposition or in favour of a particular policy or point of view and no one would be critical of the ordinary man acting as a bystander in this current situation. However for those who are in positions of responsibility within our society their attitudes and values can be recognised by their unwillingness or otherwise to acknowledge, prevent or inhibit an issue as important as a hate crime. May God have mercy on our leaders for the things they do and in this case the things they fail to recognise or acknowledge which leaves a stain upon us all. Mike Fryer
Blessings this Shabbat Shalom Lynda.
The Photographic Exhibition “The Hope” is on at Theatre Clwyd, Mold until 8th May. Please try to get along to see it and tell for friends about it. The photographs by photographer Grace Fryer tell the story of life in the communities who live on the border with Gaza and how trauma from thousands of rockets has had a devastating effect on ordinary families. Would you please share this post to give others the chance to hear their story.
Great to have Keith Fairclough back in the congregation today. We all missed you Keith.
Please pray for Israel and the Governments to stand with her Blessings Shabbat Shalom Lynda
Fathers House would like to invite you to the opening of the Photographic Exhibition “The Hope” in the Education Gallery at Theatre Clwyd, Mold North Wales at 11am on Thursday 12th April. The exhibition tells the story of the children of Sderot and Kfar Aza who have suffered emotionally from the years of bombardment of rockets on their communities. Grace Fryer who is in her final year of a Photographic degree uses the medium of Photography to tell their story and Grace will open the exhibition at 11.30am after tea and coffee. You can read about the history of the exhibition on the leaflet attached. Hope you all can be there. Pastor Michael Fryer