Gareth Hayes Training
* Personal Training (1-2-1 & Small Group)
* Group Fitness Instruction
* Fat Loss
* Run Happy :)
* Health & Nutrition Advice
* Level 3 Tutor & Assessor Welcome to Gareth Hayes Training. Having worked in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years as a gym instructor, personal trainer, class instructor and tutor, GHT was established in 2014 to provide an unparalleled level of service to both it's personal and professional clients.
GHT provides the solutions to YOUR health and fitness problems and supports you every step of the way towards reaching your goals. I believe a package of education, motivation, support and fun and engaging sessions that utilise tried and tested methods is the most effective way to help YOU reach YOUR goals.
*Please note that this page is under development and more information about services provided will be added over the coming months
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💥💥💥 FLASH SALE 💥💥💥 PROJECT:ME GROUP TRAINING - 4 WEEKS FOR £60 ONE PLACE REMAINS!!!!!!!!! I have one place remaining on the current 6 week programme and I'd love for one more person to join us in achieving and smashing their goals! All the information is below... Are you feeling like you're getting nowhere spending hours 🏃on the treadmill? Have you tried to master your diet but struggled 🤔 due to the amount of conflicting information out there? Do you feel like your facing an uphill struggle and having tried various different things don't know how to start making progress and getting the results you want and deserve? I get it 👍🏻 Exercise is's even harder when the hard work and effort you're putting in isn't getting you the results you want 👎🏼 You're not alone...🙌🏻 The solution...become part of a TEAM, one that's working towards the same goals, facing the same struggles and frustrations and will support and encourage you to reach your own personal targets! That's exactly what PROJECT:ME is... A 6-week small group exercise programme (3 sessions per week) designed to bring great people together as a TEAM to: 🔥 Burn Body Fat 🙌🏻 Lose Weight 💪🏻 Improve Muscle Tone 🏋🏼 Improve fitness 😖 Reduce Stress Based in the a small private gym at the back of Deeside Leisure Centre sessions are: 🔥 Designed to burn maximum calories/body fat 💪🏻 Sculpt muscle tone 👌🏼 Private - there will only ever be 12 plus myself in the room ⏰ One hour long 😂 Fun! Sessions are relaxed and informal so don't forget to bring your sense of humour! We train at the following days/times: Tuesday 6:30-7:30PM Thursday 7:30-8:30PM Saturday 9-10AM With the support of myself and the other members of the group you'll see fantastic results, have fun, make new friends and learn to fall back in love with your body. You will get: 🙌🏻 A cost effective option to Personal Training 🙌🏻 3 sessions per week 🙌🏻 Flexible eating diet plan 🙌🏻 The support of other Project:Me members 🙌🏻 Access to the Private VIP Project:Me Facebook Group 🙌🏻 Weekly accountability!! If you're ready to lose those inches or lbs, to be happy when you look in the mirror and to ultimately fall back in love with your amazing body COMMENT 'Me' below or send me a private message if you'd prefer and I'll be in touch to discuss the programme. Check out the short video pinned to the top of the Gareth Hayes Training page for more information about my 'train to live not live to train' philosophy 👍🏻
Gareth Hayes Training
We're down to the last place!! We start in 6 days time...
🔥🔥 6 WEEK FAT BURNING GROUP TRAINING PROGRAMME 🔥🔥 💥💥 STARTS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH 💥💥 Are you feeling like you're getting nowhere spending hours 🏃on the treadmill? Have you tried to master your diet but struggled 🤔 due to the amount of conflicting information out there? Do you feel like your facing an uphill struggle and having tried various different things don't know how to start making progress and getting the results you want and deserve? I get it 👍🏻 Exercise is's even harder when the hard work and effort you're putting in isn't getting you the results you want 👎🏼 You're not alone...🙌🏻 The solution...become part of a TEAM, one that's working towards the same goals, facing the same struggles and frustrations and will support and encourage you to reach your own personal targets! That's exactly what PROJECT:ME is... A 6-week small group exercise programme (3 sessions per week) designed to bring great people together as a TEAM to: 🔥 Burn Body Fat 🙌🏻 Lose Weight 💪🏻 Improve Muscle Tone 🏋🏼 Improve fitness 😖 Reduce Stress Based in the a small private gym at the back of Deeside Leisure Centre sessions are: 🔥 Designed to burn maximum calories/body fat 💪🏻 Sculpt muscle tone 👌🏼 Private - there will only ever be 12 plus myself in the room ⏰ One hour long 😂 Fun! Sessions are relaxed and informal so don't forget to bring your sense of humour! We train at the following days/times: Tuesday 6:30-7:30PM Thursday 7:30-8:30PM Saturday 9-10AM With the support of myself and the other members of the group you'll see fantastic results, have fun, make new friends and learn to fall back in love with your body. You will get: 🙌🏻 A cost effective option to Personal Training 🙌🏻 3 sessions per week 🙌🏻 Flexible eating diet plan 🙌🏻 The support of other Project:Me members 🙌🏻 Access to the Private VIP Project:Me Facebook Group 🙌🏻 Weekly accountability!! If you're ready to lose those inches or lbs, to be happy when you look in the mirror and to ultimately fall back in love with your amazing body COMMENT 'Me' below or send me a private message if you'd prefer and I'll be in touch to discuss the programme. Check out the short video below, in it I explain a little bit more about Project:Me and my 'train to live, not live to train philosophy'... If you could take 5 seconds to share this post amongst friends it'd be massively appreciated 😘
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🏋🏼 SATURDAY AM WORKOUT 🏋🏼 Start your Bank Holiday weekend off the right way with a Saturday morning blast in the Elite Gym at the back of Deeside Leisure Centre 9-10:00AM Tomorrow is a mix of some Box Fit 👊🏼 Mini Circuit 🏋🏼 and Abs 👌🏼 If you haven't trained at the Elite Gym with me before the session will be FREE or just £5 for everyone else! If you want to come and see what Saturday morning sessions are all about just comment below or send me a message and I'll see you in the morning 😊 Have a great Bank Holiday weekend guys 🙌🏻
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🏋🏼 WEIGHT LOSS TIP #14 🏋🏼 Imitate Success... This is one of the best pieces of advice I can give! If you want to achieve something, whether it be weight loss, success in your career, family life etc then find someone whom has achieved what it is you want and imitate! Remember, success leaves clues! Studying successful people can give you an insight in to what they do, the habits they display and help o understand why they are successful. ...and like I say above... This can be in any aspect of your life...but in this context, training and nutrition, the impact can be huge in terms of creating a happier, more positive and confident you! So, take note…take action and implement Bonus Tip: Master 1 habit at a time and then add another, don't try to change your whole world all at once, as long as you're moving forward it really doesn't matter how fast! If you want support with your weight loss, are looking to get active in a supportive and fun group environment and you're ready, once and for all, to say goodbye to the old you and hello to a slimmer, more confident, energetic and happier version of the amazing person you already are GET IN TOUCH as my next 6 week programme starts in September and I'd love to have you onboard 👌🏻
🏋🏼 CIRCUIT TRAINING - TONIGHT 6:30-7:30PM 🏋🏼 🏋🏼 AN INVITATION FROM ME TO YOU...(SHARES OF THIS POST ARE APPRECIATED 👍🏻🏋🏼 🏋🏼 CIRCUIT TRAINING GROUP EXERCISE CLASS (FIRST SESSION FREE IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME TRAINING WITH ME 🙌🏻 🏋🏼 TUESDAY 6:30-7:30PM THURSDAY 7:30-8:30PM SATURDAY 9-10AM ...WE'RE IN THE SMALL GYM AT THE BACK OF DEESIDE LEISURE CENTRE! Text 07739312309 or COMMENT BELOW to book your place...and why not rope a friend in too 👭 or 👫 What is it? Circuit based group exercise using things such as Dumbbells, barbells, battle ropes, bands and pads/gloves to give a fun and challenging fat burning class! What type of exercises do you do? All the good ones 😊 Squats, lunges, push ups, crunches, planks, farmers walk, weighted step ups, punching pads, mountain climbers...the list goes on and on...! There will always be something to challenge you and variations and options to suit all fitness levels. Who is it for? Anyone and everyone (16+)... There seems to be a misconception that you need to be of a certain fitness level to come to one of my classes and it simply isn't true! I work hard to provide levels and options for all of the exercises meaning that you can work at your own pace and at your own level...and if you need to take a rest, you take a rest - simple! Please note that these sessions are my own and not Deeside Leisure Centre and the the usual cost of a session is £5 😊 If you've got any questions guys please get in touch 👍🏻
The SPORT Bible
Haha this is brilliant! Little Rocky in the making 👊🏼
The Food Champions
Have you been watching the Olympics? I'll be honest p, it's starting to consume all my spare time, the games have been fantastic so far and the fact that Great Britain are out performing expectations makes it all the more enjoyable! This popped up on my news the other day and I thought I had to share... Some of the recipes look great and prove that eating healthily isn't all about sweet potato, chicken and broccoli 👍🏻
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🏋🏼 FREE WEIGHT LOSS TIPS 🏋🏼 Tip #13 Habits - Good, Bad, indifferent, they make us who we are... How we form habits is something I'm really interested in, particularly as adults. I think of learning to eat a more healthy, balance diet just as I do my niece, Lowri, learning to catch a ball. If I told Lowri everything she needed to know about catching a ball she would switch off and/or forget the majority of what I told her. So I break it down... We look at the hands first, where are they, what shape are they in... Then we look at the eyes, they need to be looking at the ball before it leaves my hands... My point is that learning to eat well is exactly the same as learning to catch a ball, it needs to broken down in to small habit changes to allow successful learning to take place. Habit 1: Drinking 2-3 litres of water a day at regular intervals Habit 2: Eating breakfast before work everyday Habit 3: Eating 2 types of vegetable with lunch and dinner We are good at learning one new thing at a time, not so good learning multiple things at once 🙈 That goes for all of us, think about it like this... You decide to practice upping the amount of water you drink a day. You start off pretty well, day 1 and 2 you set alerts on your phone to remind you to fill your bottle, you do really well and decide day 3 onwards no alert is needed. Day 3 and 4 are pretty good but then you start to miss some bottles out and maybe you're getting 75% of what you were on day 1. You still think you're doing great so you decide to add a new habit in. It doesn't matter what this habit is because the point being made is that often through impatience we want to move on to the next challenge without really mastering habit number 1. As soon as something else gets thrown in to the mix that 75% will become 50% and so on. If you can't consistently nail a habit for 14-21 days in succession then you still need to work on it exclusively as opposed to looking for other habits to change. You're going to drop the ball, you might do 5 or 6 days successfully and then you forget or something happens and you neglect the habit for the weekend. Accept that this is going to happen, ask yourself what did you learn from it and move on. No-one ever learnt to catch a ball without dropping it once or twice. You'll also be able to relate to the fact that some habits are easier to learn than others. Drinking water is more a memory test, where as something like preparing home cooked meals may need more work due to the cooking skills involved. You need to recognise this and cut yourself some slack when trying to adopt some of the harder habits. By the same token, Lowri isn't ready for one hand catches yet, if you aren't either, don't be afraid to take a step back. I understand that you all want to make changes and that by human nature we want them yesterday but the bigger picture is far more important and if you are able to focus on creating meaningful and lasting change through the practice of habit changing then you are far more likely to a) go on and achieve your goals and b) maintain that change in the weeks/months/years ahead 👍🏻 With that in mind, what is the ONE HABIT you are going to positively impact upon over the next week?
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🏋🏼 TOP TIPS FOR WEIGHT LOSS 🏋🏼 Tip #12 When it comes to being consistent with nutrition and exercise habits, and generally just making things a bit easier, we sometimes need reminders or guidance for even the simplest things. This is especially true if it is a habit that is hard to try and break. By reminders, I don’t mean putting sticky notes on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, on the steering wheel, or in your pocket. I mean reminders that actually make an impact and don’t end up crumpled at the bottom of your bin. What kind of reminders are these then? The answer is automated reminders using your phone’s calendar alerts. It is believed that it takes around 21 days for something new to actually become a consistent habit and not just something you tried for a while. However, it may take longer for some because any small mistake or slip-up can unravel a lot of progress. Calendar alerts, meanwhile, will constantly remind you to be doing something. It’ll allow this new habit to remain in your head and keep nudging you without being annoying. But honestly, we can’t just get you to put a reminder on your calendar to stop binge eating, it’ll only work if we break down the whole process and focus on what we need to work on, based on what you struggle with. Let’s have a look at a few examples to show how these calendar alerts can be implemented in real-world situations. Example 1: The Late-Night Indulger The biggest issue Jane has is constantly having dessert late at night. By 10 p.m., she’s settled on the couch, getting ready to watcher favourite television show. This is her late-night habit, and it’ll usually involve grabbing some ice cream or a few biscuits, too. Obviously, this is counterproductive to her goals, and despite nagging and talks, she still continues to do this with the excuse, “Sorry, I forgot.” We can’t blame her, but we can keep her from repeating this habit forever. Here we tell her to grab her phone and go through these steps: Go into the calendar app on your phone. Hit the giant plus sign (in the upper right corner), as if you’re creating a new calendar event, and a screen titled “New Event” will display. In the title section, type in what behaviour you should avoid and what you can do to overcome it. With Jen for example she might write, “Don’t eat the ice-cream, make a fruit smoothie instead”. In the “Starts” tab, set a timer to go off at 10 p.m.. When it does, a notification and a ring will go off while she’s going to grab her ice cream. When she sees it, Jen will be reminded to make a smarter choice each and every time. Click on the Repeat section and enter how often you want to repeat this reminder. In her situation, it’s necessary to set them daily because her problem is late-night eating, so a daily alert would be ideal. Also, make sure the calendar app notifications are turned on so they pop onto the lock screen. Example 2: Miss Unprepared Laura has trouble bringing enough food with her to work, so she eats what the cafeteria has or dines out. We know that being prepared with meals is a huge piece of the puzzle to healthier eating and general success with weight loss. Hannah’s problem is that she’s too tired at the end of the day, or simply forgets to prepare her meals. We could try a more aggressive approach and set two timers in the span of two hours on two separate days (i.e. Sunday and Wednesday, Monday and Thursday). While two alerts may seem like overkill, we need to be able to reach her through her fatigue, in which case a single reminder probably won’t suffice. Create a “New Event” in the Calendar App on two separate days as before. In the “Title” section, type Hannah’s instructions for her meal preparation. Ultimately, it would be something like “Get food ready for meal prep/lunch.” Or break it down further with things like “Go shopping for tomorrow’s lunch.” Or “Put a salad in a plastic bag for tomorrow.” In the “Starts” tab, set a timer to go off at two different times over the span of two hours. This will ensure she will be reminded, even if she is tired. It’s probably the second one that’ll prod her into action, which is why it’s so important to have it in a close timeframe. Click on the Repeat section and enter how often it should be repeated. Since Hannah’s issue can be resolved with two larger behavioural modifications, the frequency does not need to be as often as Jen’s from our first case study. Every Week will be fine. Why Do These Reminders Work? Without much effort, these reminders work because they “automate” your efforts and are a constant reminder of what you should be doing, instead of the thought being only in your head. For someone developing the habits to lose weight, these reminders are pivotal: the less the habit feels like a chore, the more likely you are to succeed and go beyond. I hope these simple handy tips help you to make a difference!! Gareth
🏋🏼 TOP TIPS FOR WEIGHT LOSS 🏋🏼 Tip #10 4 STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH WEEKEND OVER-EATING... You've been good all week, made excellent choices, you feel good and then bam...the weekend lands! Hands up how many of us have fallen in to the trap of undoing the previous 5 days good work for no other reason than "it's the weekend..." A hard week in work, stressed out, for many of us Friday night is THE night to unwind and relax, take away, bottle (or 2!) of wine. I'm not going to sit her and tell you that you can't eat a takeaway or enjoy a bottle of wine, that isn't the point of this post. If you think I don't enjoy a curry delivered fresh to my door with a couple of bottles of Peroni then you'd be sadly mistaken! The point is that if that Friday night ritual is opening the flood gates to the rest of the weekend being 'off plan' than what can we do, what strategies can we implement to combat it. Weekend over-eating is a habit, it's our mind telling us "hey, it's the weekend, normal rules don't apply here!" In this frame of mind Friday can become the gateway to the weekend, big breakfasts, eating out at lunch, coffee and cake dates, Saturday night meal out with drinks or a takeaway with treats in front of the TV, brunch on Sunday and how can we not end the day with a big old roast - because it's Sunday... If you identify as an over eater then you know these moments of indulgence come at a cost. You feel uncomfortably bloated, your head is a mess because you feel guilty or regretful or even anger! Ultimately, it is going to sabotage your goals directly or indirectly - ever missed the gym or a run because of the night before? Here's the tips... 1. We aren't trying to be perfect we're trying to be good enough Being restrictive all week and trying to be 'perfect' inevitably leads to over eating at the weekend. The stress of not enjoying eating, of being worries you'll mess up - it's stressful! Once you take perfection off the table you should feel empowered as it allows you keep freedom of choice. When we're striving to be perfect we have 2 perceived options; perfect or crap! When we open things up and can make more rationale choices based on our mood and fitness goals we're empowered. 2. Food Rules You don't hear me say "you can't eat this or that" because I don't impose those rules on myself. There's almost nothing I would say I would NEVER eat. Imposing restrictions (and it's usually more than one rule!) can be a cause of over eating because we base al our decision on the rules so what do we do when we have broken them once, we keep on breaking them because we aren't letting rationale thought guide choices. Pay attention to the rules you impose on yourself and try and identify the times that those rules are likely to make you say **** it and ask do I really need this rule in my life... 3. Own your choices If over eating at the weekend or any other time for that matter is a problem then I would recommend letting go of the 'if I do this this and this I can eat this on Saturday' mentality. All this does is detract from what you're trying to achieve. If we try hard enough we can pretty much justify anything and or everything we do so its a form of avoiding the problem of our relationship with food and means our prime motivator is the very thing we're trying to give up! If you want to eat that tub of ice cream, make that decision, accept that you are in control, accept that you are going to feel sick afterwards and ultimately accept responsibility for your actions. 4. Stop Rationalising Choices We've all done it. The over eating went my fault, I was a victim of circumstance...etc etc! Next time you find yourself over eating, don't just rationalise it and pass it off, take a look at why? What is the cause? Boredom? Stress? Sad? Happy? Only when we know the root cause of something can we go about changing the habit. Try and tackle the problem at source rather than creating another one by bingeing. I hope these help guys and at the very least generate some thoughts... Have a good one! Credit: PN