Poynton Fruit Farm
We are a family run pick your own fruit farm. Soft fruits available during the season. Family run pick your own fruit farm in Poynton, Cheshire
Free entry, just pay for what you pick
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facebook.comIf you message me during the weekend, sorry I don't reply straight away, we have a very patchy internet at the field so I don't get the messages until I get back to the office in the evening. I do try to answer as soon as I see them though.
We are now closed until Wednesday afternoon. Sorry for not having any strawberries today, hopefully the later variety will be ready for next weekend but can't promise anything yet. Will update as soon as we know.
Timeline Photos
This little chap was left on Saturday, if he belong to you he is safe and well in the shop waiting for you.
Lots of raspberries and gooseberries picked today. To be honest if you want strawberries I would leave it at least a week, the later variety will be a couple of weeks before ripe and the variety called Florence which should be ripening now is struggling to keep up with demand, sorry to disappoint you all, but I would hate you to come really wanting strawberries when we are pretty much picked clean of them.
We are open this weekend. Strawberries as before are there but you have to hunt for them, they have been really heavily picked already and the later variety are not ready yet. Raspberries, gooseberries and currants are also ready, rhubarb has just about finished.
We'll be open 10-6 Saturday and Sunday.
We are next open on Saturday and Sunday 10-6pm. Raspberries, gooseberries and currants are available, although the black currants will be easier in a couple of weeks. Strawberries are there but are harder to find. After the rainy weather this week I suggest wellingtons or sturdy footwear and don't leave your coats too far away.
Considering the strawberries were in short supply today, I hope all who came had a good time. The fruit now has a rest until Wednesday afternoon.
A few people have asked for the ice cream recipe, here goes; 500g fruit 250g castor sugar 300ml double cream 4 egg whites (3 if you use turkey eggs!) If using gooseberries, soften the fruit a little in a pan. Puree the fruits (sieve to remove pips) Whip egg whites until soft peaks then add sugar until soft peaks again. Whip double cream to soft peaks. Mix together cream, egg whites and fruit puree Put into a tub and freeze (if in a big tub give it a stir after about 1/2 hour, then leave to set) Final part is the most important - Enjoy it.
A very busy day considering the weatherman said it was going to rain for most of it, which it didn't. THERE ARE NOT A LOT A RIPE STRAWBERRIES LEFT. Lots of raspberries and gooseberries but if you want strawberries I would leave it until next week when the green ones will have ripened.
Open this weekend 10am-6pm. Strawberries, rhubarb available and some early raspberries but these will get better in a week or so.
We are open on Weekends 10-6pm and Wednesday afternoons 1-7pm. Our season is quite short though, only 6-7 weeks (sometimes less depending on the weather). Strawberries everywhere and even the raspberries are coming ripe sooner than usual.

The raspberry pout

Raspberry picking

#instasunday #fruitpicking #poynton #instafamily

Not everything made it into the punnet 👧🏼😂

Berry picking with my dude. #hesgotagoodeye
