Alfie's Pet Parlour
Alfie's Pet Parlour offers a professional, friendly and caring Dog Grooming Service Services include everything from a simple nail clip to the full groom.
A typical full groom includes:
Bath and Brashout
Gland Check
Styling (scissor, clip or handstrip)
Claw Clip
Ear Clean
Prices are according to breed and condition of the animal, although there is a price range for each breed (please check website for details).
Alfie's prides itself on providing the personal touch as you will notice as soon as you enter the Parlour!
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facebook.comMerry Christmas everyone. It’s been a long time.😢 To clarify the ongoing situation at Alfie’s: Alfie’s remains officially closed this started because of a family situation that is still, sadly ongoing, however the reason we cannot open properly as yet is because the building work on the new refurbished groom room was reported to the council and although the building now meets building regs we are still on hold waiting to be signed off. 😡 The work realistically will not complete until next year. I have been fitting doggies where I can in the old parlour but with ongoing works this is not easy. I have been grooming those doggies that are not happy going elsewhere....stubborn ones! 🤣🤣🤣 Please feel free to contact me with any enquiries I will help if I am able. However advance bookings are not possible until the works are complete. I hope you and your pooches have an awesome Christmas and I look forward to resuming Alfie’s in the New Year (if the council ever get round to getting off their buttocks) 🤣 Merry Christmas and all the best for 2018! ❤️
Really very sorry Alfie's remains closed next week.
Apologies Alfie's is closed until further notice due to unforeseen personal circumstances Please look to obtain appointments with local groomers if your dog is due a much needed groom. So sorry for inconvenience 😢
Really sorry today's appointments have been moved to Friday due to illness Sorry for inconvenience Xxxxxx
Gorgeous Edie, after her bath and blast chilling in the sun xxxx ❤️🐶
Gorgeous Duncan after his spruce up xxx 🐶❤️
Morning doggie lovers! Just a little note on this page to let people know that I am currently fully booked with rolling appointments filling the diary. If you are visiting Alfie's page for the first time I do thank you for your interest, however I am unable to take new customers at present. If spaces become available I will of course repost. Many thanks and kind regards Claire 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awwww Look who came to see me! Love you Duncan....I was having so much fun I forgot his after photo 😂😂❤
The lovely Ralph before and after. Such a good boy xx ❤
Customers. If you are not on my personal Facebook page you may not be aware that my dear Nan has very sadly passed away this week. I am on leave this week and back to work next work. I will of course try to keep disruption to a minimum but I am in the process of arranging a funeral and therefore there may be changes to appointments. This is just a "heads up" and of course I will be in touch individually if I need to. Thank you for your support as always Kind regards Claire
Just gorgeous! What a cutie xxx
Hi guys and gals! Well I'm shocked to report that I'm up and moving And the pain is all but gone! Yaaaaay For those customers that have had their bookings affected I am so sorry! I have contacted you all individually (I think)!! If you have been cancelled and not contacted then please let me know here. I'm off for few more days and then back to the pooches! 🐶🐶🐶❤ My diary is a mess so please bear with me while I sort out the chaos! Lots of love xxx