Portree Nursery Ltd
The original inspiration for Portree Nursery Ltd. came from a group of dedicated parents who “fired” by a lack of suitable premises for a playgroup, fund-raised £10,000 for this purpose. Grants were received from Highland Council Development, the Local Enterprise Company and the European Leader Fund to a total of £55,000. These were on condition that a daycare facility was also provided for children aged 4 months to 8 years. In a matter of months the dedicated parents had taken a voluntary playgroup and transformed it into a non-profit making company.
Portree Nursery Ltd. opened on 4th October 1993 with a playgroup room for 20 children, a communal kitchen, toilets and a daycare room for 6 children. The Daycare opened as an unknown quantity but it soon became evident that there was a greater demand than there were places for this popular, well-used facility. The lack of provision for preschool children with special needs and the ever-growing demand for more daycare places highlighted the need for an extension to the original building. Again, the Board of Directors, staff and parents raised funds and received grants.
The extension was opened in August 1996 which enabled us to provide a larger daycare room, a fully-equipped special needs area with teaching and relaxation rooms and a preschool class for 21 children. In August 2003 the Nursery was altered to provide a baby room.
Portree Nursery Ltd. is a non-profit making company and is a registered charity.
Tell your friends
facebook.comFollowing the success of last years Easter hunt, Portree Nursery Board of Directors and staff are excited to announce that there will be another event on Saturday 31st March. This year is bigger and better with a variety of fun craft activities for the children to do after the hunt while mums/dads/carers/grandparents relax with a cuppa and some home baking. You never know, there might be a surprise visit from the Easter bunny :) We look forward to seeing you all there.
If you have a form please return it ASAP as registration has now passed. Spaces are currently being allocated so if you have not returned your enrolment form then you may not get the sessions you would like as we are very busy.
Pre-School enrolment is week beginning 12th February 2018. Please see attached guidance for when your child is eligible.
The cleaner position is now closed for applicant's. Thank you to all those who applied to the vacancy. Letters will be sent out to everyone who applied in regards to your application. Interviews will take place Friday 2nd of February.
This is a reminder to parents that Pre-school will be closed on 19th, 20th and 21st February for half term. If you require daycare for these days then please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you
Following our adverse weather policy and in line with the local highland school closures. Portree preschool will be closed today. Please share with people who do not have faceboik thank you.
The winner of hamper number two is Murdo Macleod with ticket number 256 orange. Congratulations 🍾
The winner of hamper number one is Marjory and Eric Jagger with ticket 186 orange. Congratulations 🍾
We have been lucky to be able to have two hampers for our raffle. Thank you to all who bought tickets and donated the items. The raffle will be drawn at 1pm ... watch this space for the lucky winners 🍀
Photos are back from the photographer for all parents who ordered them 😍 if your child isnt in just pop in anytime to pick them up.