Isle Of Portland Coastal Path
To protect, preserve and promote the history & heritage of the South West Coast Path of the Isle and Royal Manor of Portland for generations to come.
The Sunniest Isle for many a mile! Portland's Coast Path is part of the 630 Miles of the South West Coast Path, from Swanage to Minehead.
The Path is formed almost completely around the isle, save for the Private land at Portland Port and the Southwell Landslip at Cheyne.
The Coast Path of Portland is looked after by Local Volunteer Rangers under the auspice of Dorset Countryside Ranger Service who are allocated different parts of the Path.
The South West Coast Path Association are also involved in the Path upkeep and one of the Portland Volunteer Rangers also volunteers as a Path Rep for the Association.
Each year, the Association Path Rep for the Isle conducts a survey of all infrastructure and 'Furniture' such as signs and other fittings using specialised survey software. This normally takes place in February each year.
If you come across any path issues on your walk, please do leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
This Page is run by two Volunteers who are dedicated to preserve the Coast path on Portland for everyone to enjoy for years to come.
Thanks for your interest.
For further information, please check-out The Portland Community Partnership web site link below.
Please remember to follow the country code and to take your litter home or dispose in a public bin. Thank-You!
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facebook.comPATH UPDATE :- Good morning all. Just a quick update for you all... Well, I have now completed The Isle of Portland Coastal Path annual survey for this year. It Took all of 12 hours in total save for a quick Coffee at the Lobster Pot and a chat to some Bird-Watchers. Thanks to my Wife Sue and Area Rep of the South West Coast Path Association Bryn Gittins For their company. Sadly, All but ONE of the issues I picked-up and advised last February have not even been attempted. I am really disappointed with this, as you can imagine. I am meeting up with staff in May, and I will certainly discuss these issues with the Ranger Team. I am sure many of you already know the issues on certain parts of the Coast Path around the Isle, I am sure I have found all these and recorded them. Items such as Path Condition, condition of way-marking posts, graffiti around the Under-cliff of Zig-Zag Path at the Grove and of course the diversions on West Cliff. I have put a temporary repair on the Finger Post at New Ground, and wedged-up again, the fingerpost at the top of Verne Hill, Road. As for the Merchant’s Incline project... still awaiting news and I understand there is a current hold on European funding, which I kind of hoped would not be an issue as we have not yet left the EU There are still delays with the Verne Local Nature Reserve (VLNR) project. I have been keeping in good contact with Portland Living Landscapes officer of the Dorset Wildlife Trust; Jess Tilley, who seems very passionate about the Isle. She promises to let me know when works will re-continue on the Verne banks behind Tillycombe. Hopefully sooner rather than later. My fellow Volunteer Rangers are still doing their bit out on the path. Scott, Carrie, and Jo... are still out there somewhere... in the undergrowth, trying to cut their way out probably. Please don’t forget, there will be a lot of Runners on the Path tomorrow (Sunday 4th Feb) for the Bustin’ Skins Marathon. Please allow them to pass, although as a walker you will have right of way, common courtesy will go a long way (Both walkers and Runners!) Thanks again for all your patience, and please do let me know if you find any problems you encounter on the Coast Path. Even if you think I might already be aware of them. Please be careful out there, still rather muddy in places. Follow the Country Code, and enjoy the open space and fresh air out on our wonderful Coast Path. Thank Very Much! Andy Straw ( SWCPA Path Rep and VCR for the Isle and Royal Manor Of Portland)
Good morning everyone, Just to let you know... The 'Bustin Skins' Portland Coastal Marathon will be taking place from the Portland National Sailing Academy on Sunday 4th February 2018. Along with the full distance event across the whole Coastal Path on the Isle, there will be a Half marathon and a 6.2 Miler. Please be aware that many people run these races and I trust that the routes will be cleared on completion of Orange ribbon in bushes and I hope the bright coloured spray use will be kept to a minimum as this spray takes a long time to dissipate. Last year there were complaints regarding this use of spray which I took to Dorset County Ranger Service. I do hope this year, Bustin' Skins would have at least contacted the Ranger Service prior to organising the event, just as a matter of courtesy. I hope that those who have entered the event enjoy themselves and I hope they will take great care as the path in areas are Muddy, particularly the Merchant's Incline and up near the Coast watch look-out. Also, please remember that other people use the path, you do not have right of way as a Runner! I am sure you will be just as polite as you were last year when I saw a lot of you on the Incline. Good luck!
Good Afternoon, Just to let you know... I have reported the Fly-Tipped TV at the Merchants Railway entry point in Castletown. (Under the Bridge) Whilst it has already been reported, there is no harm in anyone else reporting the same issue. I attach a link for you if you come across any incidents of Fly-Tipping anywhere on the Paths. May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. I hope soon to be able to report back regarding the Verne Local Nature Reserve Project... (I have sent lots of e-mails, but Not getting a reply at the moment) and also News of The Merchant's Incline Project. All South Dorset Volunteer Ranger and Path Reps are due to meet-up in the new year, but Hopefully I will get at least some response regarding the above projects. Thanks for your Patience! Andy
Thought you might like this handy Old and New Side-by-side map of Portland. This will certainly aid your exploration of the Isle. Andy
Good Morning all... This year on May the 20th 2018, Royal Manor Of Portland Athletics Club are hosting a Portland ‘The Hard Way’ half marathon along much of the Coast Path. Please see the image below indicating the route. The yellow boxes indicate where a Marshall will be located. The WS initials mean Water Station. I have been assured that a full sweep of the route will be completed post marathon to ensure the path remains tidy. If you intend on walking the path on the day, please be courteous and allow the runners to pass. Thanks very much. Andy
steps behind the beach huts at Church Ope have been cut back, makes life easier :)
UPDATE :- Regarding the Holes / Cracks at Neddyfields. Good afternoon everyone. The Cracks at Neddyfields have been there for a number of years and are currently in a stable condition. Having Contacted Bran Acres of Dorset Ranger Service, after recent inspections there is no evidence that these cracks will prove hazardous in the short term. However, they are still a trip hazard, so please be careful near them. I will keep an eye on them in the meantime and It would be very helpful if our Page members could also take a quick look when passing the area. So, Please do let us know if you encounter any other problems when you are out and about on the Path. Thanks again to those who commented on the original post and by your comments, I am assured that you all care for the path too. So well done! Thanks again everyone for your help! Particularly to Kathryn who Contacted me with her concerns. Take Care, and Have a great Halloween coming-up Andy (VCR & SWCPA Rep for The Isle & Royal Manor of Portland)
Good Morning. Just so that you know, please be advised, that there are a few opened-up gaps around 'Neddyfields' (East side of Southwell). From the gate along 'Southwell Road' near 'Cheyne House' and head South toward the Bill. Whilst the gaps have yet to be checked, please remain on the path and not venture too far to the cliff edge in this area. At the moment, the gaps could cause you to turn your ankle over. the movement of the cliff edge is yet to be determined. Thanks very much. Thanks to Kathryn Sandford for letting me know and for the pictures.
Good Morning.. Here is an update for you regarding the Verne Local Nature Reserve. The Paperwork to recommence the ground works for the VLNR (Merchant's Railway above Tillycombe) is still currently in the hands of W&PBC. Dorset Wildlife Trust are awaiting the return of the signed documents which will allow approval for the works to take place. The DWT Living Landscapes Officer Jess Tilley is in the process of chasing this up. The contracts written as part of the Pre-Works agreement MAY include 'Thinning Down' of the trees that currently preclude visitors and locals from the spectacular views at the New Ground Viewing areas. As the contracts were written a fair while ago, and the fact that the persons who drew-up the contract have now moved on from their original posts, the actual scope of the works need to be re-determined so that we all know exactly what to expect. This is just an admin issue and hopefully will not take too long to sort out. I have been promised Dates when they are finalised and I will post here on the page as soon as I have them. I have a good communication with Jess at Dorset Wildlife Trust. She is working hard to tie things together as she has only taken her new role recently as the Living Landscapes Officer for the Isle of Portland. As always, I will keep you updated as soon as I get further information. Kind Regards Andy Straw Volunteer Coast Ranger & Path Rep for SWCPA
Well, We are near the End of September and work has not yet recommenced on the Verne Local Nature Reserve. I have Contacted the Living Landscapes Officer of Dorset Wildlife Trust to ask when work will start. I know there are still 6 days left in September (The Month I was assured that works will start) So hopefully, we should see some action very soon. As for the Merchant's Incline Project... Still no news regarding funding. A similar situation to the VLNR whereas, having been assured that I would hear in a couple of weeks, has now manifested into a month and a half. Rest assured, I will post ANY updates or news here on this page. On the plus side. I am really delighted with the number of walkers using the coast path this year. Certainly a massive increase, and I suggest this trend will still continue. Visitors bring much to the Portland economy with many deciding to stay here in B&B's and Up the Heights, as well as eating or drinking in Cafe's Pubs and Restaurants. They also use our food stores too... which is great news for the Isle. I would also like to mention those local friends, who help take care of the path and its environs. Such as Dave Norster and Scott Irvine. Also, not to forget mention Muntsy's group who are often litter picking or weeding. So many of you do that little extra around the Isle...not because you have to...but, because you want to! I would like to take this moment to thank you all! Please keep on-Keeping on! Thanks for you time, have a lovely day... and get on out along the path before it turned to Mud! ;-) All the Best! Andy Isle of Portland VCR/SWCPA Rep