Thorpe Audlin Cricket Club
Small village cricket club in Thorpe Audlin West Yorkshire
New and old players always welcome to come and join
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facebook.comGood luck today to the 2nd team in the cup game at Old Sharlston Cricket Club #upthethorpe #bringthecuphome #letsgetbehindthem 🍻🍺🍾🍻🍺
That's the score box done ✔️ That's 2x toilets cleaned ✔️ 2x changing rooms done ✔️ That's the club house and all upstairs done ✔️ That's all Easter weekend spent at the ground apart from Saturday when we played a friendly! Shirts should be sorted this week! Please excuse us if we are a little tired guys!!!! Stillllllllll lots of pitch work to be done!! So looks like every night this week too. Happy Easter guys 😊
JustGiving - donate to charity and raise funds online - Raise money for charity online Guys if you could support out very own rough dog it would be muchly appreciated. 😊🚴🏾🏊🏼 Thank you.
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Guys if any of you are available Friday night could we lend our support to this great cause. Bob has been a great friend to many of us. It would be nice to see a little Thorpe support.
Guys just to let you all know that's not on whammers that we are having the AGM and presentation on Saturday 1st October (this Saturday) @6:30pm @ Pitclub. Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you all for a drink 😊.
I would like you all to take this opportunity to join the club in wishing captain grounds man Dave a Happy 50th birthday. I for one appreciate and know just how much hard work blood sweat and quite frankly tears that you have put in to the club. The lads from both teams I know really cannot fault the wickets you have produced this season. The hard work also that goes into making sure we have 2 top 11 man teams every-week!!! But most of all for being #no 1 in our league and taking the team to a cup final 🏆🏅 (even tho your gunna miss it 😥 sorry) So cheers 🍻 Mr Abel and put your feet up for a week eh 😊
Guys, that time is fast approaching and the first game of the season will soon be on us. We cannot just expect to turn up the first game and play to out true potential when over half the team is missing nets. It will take us weeks to get into it again and it will be the same script this year where we loose all the first games then just when we are all finding form it's too late and we miss out on vital points. Please can we try and get to nets on a Sunday. Come on guys 😊🏏🏏🏏🏏
Guys and gals who's up for a night round Donny on 12th March? Be great to have a proper catch up and of course a little 🍻🍺
Guys do we fancy a friendly at frickley the week before the season starts? Who's up for it before we say yes?
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Well after lots and lots of form filling and emails and meetings! We have a few funds to put in the pot 👍🏻
Guys due to a double booking we are having to move the presentation /AGM to Friday 22nd Jan still 6pm and still same place.
Guys sorry for the delay in posting but just to let you all know that nets are Sunday the 17th Jan 12pm-2pm £3.50pp be great to see you all there. Also going to have a small presentation night/AGM on Saturday the 23rd of January at the Pitclub. Meeting starts at 6pm for anyone that's interested and a small presentation to follow. Who's excited for the new season 😊