JJG Personal Training
Fully Qualified Crossfit Gymnastics Coach based in Plymouth.
I specialise in all Crossfit Gymnastic movements and Learning/Perfecting the Handstand. I focus on improving ones Health and Fitness through exercise specifically tailored to your goals.
Whether you are looking to become Fitter/Slimmer/Stronger/more flexible i can help.
Remember, you are never too old for a handstand...
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facebook.comInhale Confidence, exhale doubt. • When your client sends you this and you just have to share it with the world. That celebration dance though 😭😭💕💕😭😭 • @jackie.park1415 you have never given up despite how hard and frustrating it has been plus overcoming your fear of being upside down (thank you for screaming less 🙌🏼) You are a superstar ⭐️ • #nicetree 😏 #hardworkpaysoff #handstand #jjg_pt #handstandgoals #christmasgoals🎄
I remember when Helen couldn’t even do a HSPU RX’d, now look at her 😍 Hard work is most definitely paying off! Well done 💕 • #handstand #handstandpressup #HSPU #PB #Hardwork #determination #strongereveryday #noexcuses
😍 Happy Monday!! 😍As if I just squatted this 🙈 What a way to start the week off with a massive 15kg PB. 140kgggg 😳😍(Fuelled by works Xmas party drinks, 2:30am kebab and hungover Doritos) Thank you @jst_competeprogramming xxxxxx now please make me amazing at the bleep test... 🙈 • #happymonday #pb #squats #whatjusthappened #probsjustcantcount #crossfit #jst #jstathlete #eurochampscomeatme
💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 • #tb to winning the final event at @battleformiddleground with my gorgeous man. Couldn’t quite believe it, can’t you tell by the look on my face? 🙈 • #eyebrowsonfleek #always #throwbackthursday #crossfit #competition #hugsmakeeverythingbetter #maybeillwinmorethenhe’llhugmemore #needygirlfriend #popeyearms
When your desperate for a cuddle so you’ll take what you can get - your clients leg. • We all need to be more like Vikki. She works on her weaknesses day in day out and has never quit. She is slowly overcoming her fears and it is so amazing watch and be a part of. Give a couple weeks and her legs will be together 😏 • Time to be brave people 😘 • #practicewhatyoupreach #stupidhead #irrationalfearsaremyfave #handstandtraining #handstand #brave
Want to excel past handstand walking but don’t know how? Ever tried being blindfolded? I have. It’s tricky, real tricky. Wearing my absolute fave @lululemon top, it looks the part when I’m standing the right way up - honest. • Yes @tangalangalang21 i know... feet together 🙈😂 • #noeyesnoproblem #igotthis #elbowtop #rockingit #staytight #bfmg #handstand #handstandwalking #crossfit #competition
Thursday Gymnastics was in full swing this morning 😍 All the Handstand Holds + walking, kipping pull ups/C2B/MU and core to finish! Love seeing so much effort put in to these classes by every participant! • Watching people achieve their first handstand/walking their first steps (handstand obvs) whilst overcoming so many fears of being upside is why I love my job so much! See you all next week accompanied by all the Christmas music!! 😁🤩 #ilovechristmasmorethananything • #staytight #gymnastics #cfgymnastics #gymnasty #core #handstand #handstandwalk #handstandgoals #handstandclasses #jjg_pt
Thursday Gymnastics was in full swing this morning 😍 All the Handstand Holds + walking, kipping pull ups/C2B/MU and core to finish! Love seeing so much effort put in to these classes by every participant! • Watching people achieve their first handstand/walking their first steps (handstand obvs) whilst overcoming so many fears of being upside is why I love my job so much! See you all next week accompanied by all the Christmas music!! 😁🤩 #ilovechristmasmorethananything • #staytight #gymnastics #cfgymnastics #gymnasty #core #handstand #handstandwalk #handstandgoals #handstandclasses #jjg_pt
** PLEASE READ ** Training times over the next couple of weeks... AWAY ❌ - 15th - 17th Dec WORKING ✅- 18th + 19th Dec AWAY ❌- 20th - 27th Dec WORKING ✅ - 28th + 29th + 30th AWAY ❌ 31st - 1st WORKING ✅ - 2nd - 6th Jan AWAY ❌ - 7th - 19th (don’t miss me too much I’ll be in sunny Barbados 🥂🌞👙) WORKING ✅ - 22nd jan back to normal 😍 Please look through your calendar and see if any of our dates we have previously booked have fallen on those where I’m not working. If you would like to book a session in between Christmas and New year please message me and we can sort out times!! Any issues please let me know JJ xxxxxx
4 rounds each for time, 10 cal ski, 9 thrusters. Loved it and hated it all at the same time 🤢 however, by the look on my face I just look scared as hell 🙈 @battleformiddleground (@get_repost) ・・・ Another Sunday W3 shot from @active_stills. This time @janiejones92 smashing out the thrusters on the way to an event win with Imperium SJ partner @stanley113. . 2018 BFMG Individual qualifier registration is on sale now for just £10. Get it while it lasts, link to sign up in bio. . @progenexeurope in the background. Amazing supplement partner! . #crossfitter #girlsofcrossfit #gym #gymlife #box #athlete #fitness #lifting #weights #muscle #wod #squat #train #noexcuses #eatclean #positive #beastmode #motivation #inspiration #photo #squats #girlswholift #fitfam
I can’t believe we won 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 • Thanks for a great day @battleformiddleground - despite being beaten up by a weighted vest 🙅🏼♀️ We’re currently 4 hours into the 6 hour journey home.. totally worth it though! • We also managed to win 3 out of 6 workouts including the final 😳💪🏼 what a day! All the hard work is paying off! • #winnerwinnerchickendinner #crossfit
Smile Cathi, there’s 100kg on the bar!! 😍😍😍😍 All of your hard work and determination is paying off! Your dedication to changing your lifestyle for a fitter healthier you is showing, 10 kilos lighter since our first session and looking amazing! Well done Cathi! 💪🏼