Grown Renown Empowering Business Training
We work with individuals and professionals to improve their knowledge about finances and accountancy. We work with individuals and professionals to improve their knowledge about finances and accountancy. We will happily teach you how to manage your books and look at your business in innovate and empowered way. We love to support others in achieving their business, financial and personal success. We believe we can help each other grow our businesses!
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If you would like a chance to win, just like our page Grown Renown Empowering Business Training and answer our question in a comment below. We really do appreciate & personally read every single comment that you leave us. It means a lot to us that you take the time to interact with us, so please continue to do so. Ends Midnight 30/08/17 and winner will be announced on the 31/08/17 at 5pm. Lucky person gets invitation for afternoon tea with glass of prosecco for two in a beautiful place. So, what you would do if you won a MILLION ????? 3…2…1… Good Luck !!!
Sheena Walker great contact if you you think about good positioning yourself
Serdecznie zapraszamy do skorzystania z naszej oferty - rozliczenie roczne TAX RETURN juz od £50. Skontaktuj sie z nami juz dzisiaj:, tel. 01786 816 745
Zapraszamy na kurs rozliczenia rocznego z brytyjskim urzędem skarbowym TAX RETURN PO POLSKU. Księgowość firmy w Wielkiej Brytanii jest zdecydowanie bardziej przejrzysta i mniej skomplikowana niż w Polsce i nie ma potrzeby korzystać z usług biur księgowych jeżeli można rozliczyć sie samemu. Nasze warsztaty Tax Return - krok po kroku pozwola Ci zrozumiec jak poprawnie sporzadzic deklaracje. Kurs PO POLSKU przez certyfikowanych z ponad dziesięcioletnią praktyką w Wielkiej Brytanii. Każdy z uczestników kursu otrzyma zestaw materiałow szkoleniowych i zestaw materiałow do ćwiczeń praktycznych. Po zakończeniu kursu będzie wydany CERTYFIKAT potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu, który może być pomocny w rozwoju biznesu. Grown Renown C.I.C Koszt szkolenia £ 199.99 Main Street, Plean Stirling, FK7 8BS Tel: 01786 816 745 E-mail:
Timeline Photos
Hi, We are start-up Non Profit company, very new on Scottish business education market. We need skilled person who will make out calls to search for potential clients. Most of our seminars, courses and workshop are great opportunity for self-employed and small business directors. Our social impact is to support and motivate people who suffer for anxiety, who faced a trauma, all income are allocate towards providing free business training and coaching for them. we simply need someone who will look after the commercial side of Grown Renown by selling our services using our FB page, and by contacting Scotland based companies, employers, firms, associations etc. The right person will be given full diary with workshops, courses, availabilities and charges. We would like to sign 3 weeks contract first, just to make sure that this works for both of the parts.
Calling all local businesses in Stirlingshire
Empowering Thursdays 3...2...1...go!!!
We would love to invite you for our networking meeting in May.