St Peter's Vets Ltd - Petersfield
St Peter's Vets Ltd has surgeries in Petersfield, Horndean & Liss in Hampshire. St Peter's Vets currently has 4 Directors/ Vets and 3 Assistant Vets who along with Nursing and Reception staff provide a 24 hour a day service 365 days of the year.
We at St Peter's Vets Ltd are dedicated to providing a high standard of client & patient care.
Our Out of Hours service is run by our own Vets and Nurses and is based at the Petersfield surgery.
Consultations are by appointment only running from 9am - 11am & 2pm - 7pm Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm Saturday & 10am - 12pm Sundays.
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facebook.comWe mainly treat cats and dogs here at St Peters but every now and then we have some more unusual animals under our care. This week at our Petersfield Surgery we took care of a poorly badger. Badgers are widespread across Britain, but are particularly common in the south of England. They live in social groups in underground sets and are usually nocturnal. Badgers are protected by law under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992, and it is illegal to harm them or their setts. If you see a sick or injured badger it is best to call the RSPCA. Badgers can be aggressive and so we do not advise you to approach or try to handle them.
*Stray Cat* This little man was brought in to our Petersfield surgery on the 2nd of July, he had suffered a head injury but has made a fantastic recovery. He is a young entire male, and was found on the A272 by Langrish Church. If you think this may be your cat, or if you think you know who he belongs to, then please contact our Petersfield Surgery on 01730 266431
*Receptionist Vacancy - Petersfield*
Receptionist Vacancy - Horndean
Photos from St Peter's Vets Ltd - Petersfield's post
*MISSING CAT* Cori has been missing since 19th May from Inwood Road, Liss. Cori is a Maine Coon, entire female wearing a pink collar, no microchip. Please contact us if you have any information on Cori. Thank you
Timeline Photos
*MISSING CAT* Jet has been missing since 14th May. Jet is a short haired, black, neutered female cat, red collar with 3 bells. Missing from Andlers Ash, Liss. Anyone with any information about Jet, please contact the surgery. Many thanks
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We thought we would share this great photo that was sent in by Suzy's owners following her c-section on Sunday night! Mum and puppies doing well!
Photos from St Peter's Vets Ltd - Petersfield's post
*FOUND RABBIT* This little rabbit was found in Redshank Road, Horndean on Wednesday 10th May. He is in good body condition, friendly and used to handling! He is an entire male adult. He is staying at our Petersfield surgery so if you know who he belongs to please contact 01730 266431
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Photos from St Peter's Vets Ltd - Petersfield's post
Laparoscopic Spays Our Laparoscopic Spay service is becoming very popular and gives clients an alternative option to female neutering. Gorgeous Bizzy underwent Laparoscopic Spay and recovered well enough to pose for a post operative photo! The ruler is underneath Bizzys Ovaries! Thank you to Bizzy and her family!
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Charity Dog Show & Fete
Oh dear Charlie.... Cone of shame for you poorly paw 🐾🐶🤕
