Drumragh Integrated
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facebook.comP7? Choosing your new school? Sure you’ve made the right choice? Let us help! Come to a drop-in evening of coffee, conversation and an opportunity for you to ask as many questions as you like. Thursday 25th January 2018 6.30pm – 8.30pm
We've a few spare seats on the bus if any pupils from year 10-14 would like to join us on 25th January to go see BLOOD BROTHERS in Belfast! Pop in & see me Tuesday morning.
Please like and share our Drumragh Integrated College Ski Trip 2018 page for the all the latest information on the trip!! ☺
Dates finalised at last :)
Missed Open Day? It's not too late! Just give the Principal a ring on 02882 252440 to arrange your very own tour! Please like and share. Thank you :) Our 2018 Prospectus is now available to view online @ http://www.drumraghcollege.co.uk/
If you missed our Open Day and would like a arrange a tour of our school please feel free to contact us on 02882252440. Online Prospectus will be updated shortly. Prospectus also available at reception. Thank you :)
Free Art classes for parents and carers at Drumragh Integrated College! Contact us on 02882 252440 to secure a place - please like and share :)
Hi folks, a reminder about our Open Day THIS Saturday 6th January 2018, doors open 9.30am-1.30pm. All welcome to come and see our school! Please like and share. Thank you.
Hi folks, our Open Day is on Saturday 6th January 2018. Doors open 9.30AM to 1PM, All welcome! Please like and share. Thank you. :)
Gifted and Talented at Drumragh College! As part of the Gifted and Talented Programme at the College, our 5 weeks of primary school workshops came to an end on Tuesday evening past. Throughout the 5 weeks pupils were invited to extend their skills and talents as well as challenge themselves to complete activities across 12 departments in the college. Challenges included ‘CSI Drumragh’, conceived by the Science and Drama departments, where pupils took part in a drama and then used forensic science techniques to identify the real villain. ICT challenged the students to program their very own Fitbit while Technology and Design involved the designing and developing of a Christmas Stocking hanger. The Creative Writing workshop in English used meditation and relaxation to help the students create their own poem based on a piece by Simon Armitage. Art used photo shop and real frames to create beautiful Christmas backdrops to their images while Geography had students design and label their own globes and, at the same time, trying to outwit the Geography quiz on the i-pads! Altogether, we had 152 pupils from local primary schools in attendance and all thoroughly enjoyed each week’s activities getting a flavour for the high academic standards we have here at Drumragh. We look forward to welcoming you back next year!!
Announcing the winners of this years Drumragh Integrated College Art Department Christmas Card Competition! Incredible work by Nikola Duda Y8 & Paula McElroy Yr9. Well done!!! :)
Announcing the winners of this years Drumragh Integrated College Art Department Christmas Card Competition! Incredible work by Nikola Duda Y8 & Paula McElroy Yr9. Well done!!! :)