MACCA Resource Centre
The MACCA Resource Centre is based in Omagh, Co Tyrone N.I. providing resources and facilities to residents, groups and organisations. We are located off the Old Mountfield Road behind McBrides Spar shop. Resource Centre, Community Garden, Eco-Centre and safe play area for residents of the locality.
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facebook.comMACCA AGM Thursday 12th April at 7.00pm. 3rd time lucky folks lol
AGM. Several key people are unable to attend the AGM planned for tonight. It has been decided to postpone this meeting. A new date will be set for as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this decision.
MACCA AGM Thursday March 8th @ 7.30pm.
Due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM due to be held on 8th February has had to be cancelled. Further news when available.
Due to bereavement there will be no Pilloxing tomorrow (Tuesday 30th January)
AGM 7.00PM
It' that time of year again. Allotments £40 with polytunnel bed. Polytunnel beds £15 each. Get in early to avoid dissapointment. Call 07809197428 or msg the Centre.
MACCA AGM Thursday 8th February @ 7.00pm.
🤸🏽♂️🌟🤸🏽♂️ •C A M E L P O S E • 🐫increases flexibility in the spine 🐪stimulates the nervous system, opens the chest and shoulders, improves circulation and digestion. 🐫The spine is meant to bend in both directions, so while you’ve probably only worked it in one direction all day (forward), backbends like Camel Pose can return or restore the natural flexibility of your spine. 🐪Our minds often follow our bodies, so by increasing the flexibility in your spine and relieving the tension in your neck, back, and shoulders, you increase the flexibility in your mind. Open your body, open your mind. 🐫Camel Pose is also said to increase creativity and problem solving thanks to a change in perspective. #kidsyoga #camelpose #yoga #yogni #yogasurf #yogaisfun #yogajourney #irishyoga #irishyogi #irishfitfam #irishkidsyoga #stretch #backbends #belfastyoga #kidsyogateacher #kidsofinstagram #yogajourney #yogni #irishyogi #irishyoga #irishfitfam #irishmum #yogabelfast #yogaireland...

At the end of family yoga, everyone relaxed and went far away on their magic carpet ✨🙏🏽 #familyyoga #kidsyoga #kidsyogateacher #yogaisfun #yogajourney #yogni #yogasurf #irishyoga #irishyogi #irishfitfam #irishmum #ireland #relaxedkids #centeredkids #calmkids #breath #relaxation #yogaisfun #yogaismagic #yogabelfast #tyrone #omagh

Family session this weekend in the Omagh Area. #omagh #tyrone #yoga #yogasurf #yogaisfun #ireland #irishyoga #irishfitfam #irishfitfam #fitmama #flexible #freeplay #familyyoga #yogafamily #yogaforkids #rainbowkidsyoga #stretch #parents
