Fèis Latharna
Fèis Latharna provides Traditional Music and Gaelic Arts Tution to 8-18 year olds in the Oban & Lorn area. Fèis Latharna is an organisation that promotes traditional music and Gaelic culture in the Oban & Lorn area.
The Fèis operates term time Saturday classes in a variety of instruments at all levels as well as a week long tuition festival every Easter.
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facebook.comSeata de phuirt ann an Cuan Mor. Tuesday night’s tunes in Cuan Mòr! #feislatharna
Seata de phuirt ann an Cuan Mor. Tuesday night’s tunes in Cuan Mòr! #feislatharna
Tha seachdain air leth air a bhith againne aig ar Fèis Na Càisge. Mòran taing a-rithist Dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich gus an t-seachdainn a chur air dòigh gu soirbheachail; an 200 luchd-pàirtichidh, an fheadainn a dh’ obraich gu saor-thollach agus An luchd-òide mìorbhailleach a bh’ againn. Gu sònraichte ar luchd-maoineachidh agus Na venues air fad. Taing mhòr dhà ri-ribh!! We've had a fabulous time at our Easter Fèis. Thank you again to everyone that has helped make our week possible including the 200 participants, the volunteers and all of our wonderful tutor team. Particular thanks to our funders Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Argyll and Bute Council, Creative Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Argyll Community Housing Association; the venues Oban Primary Campus, Cuan Mor, Argyllshire Gathering Halls and all the others that have supported us in various ways including, but not limited to, Furan Gaelic Centre, Oban High School, Greencourt Guesthouse, Inverasdale B&B, Oban Music, Nutshell Music & Oban Sandwich Company.
Cèilidh Teaghlaich na Càisge & Foillseachadh EP Cèilidh air Chuairt Fèis Latharna Earra Ghàidheal. 7f, Diciadain 4 Giblean 2018 Tallachan Cruinneachaidh Earra Ghàidheal, An t-Òban CD Launch & Easter Family Ceilidh tonight in the Argyllshire Gathering Halls at 7pm! #Cèilidh #Ceol #FèisLatharna #ArgyllCèilidhTrail
Tha tòrr spòrs air a bhith againn gu ruige seo! Tha seisean ciùil sir a-nochd aig an Cuan Mòr 7f, tha sinn an dòchas gum faic sinn ann sibh! Fagaidh sinn sibh le bhideo ciùil bhon uridh! We’ve had a fantastic start to the Easter Fèis week! Tonight we’ve got the music session in Cuan Mor from 7pm. Here’s a clip from last year’s session. Hope to see a few of you coming along 🎹🎻🎼
Chan eil ach 3 làithean ri dhol 😯 CUMHNICH! Ma tha ionnsramaid ciùil agad fhèin, nach toir thu leat e? Agus ma tha ionnsramaid ciùil Na fèise agad, nach dèan sibh cinnteach gu bheil e againne aig Oban Primary Campus aig 10m Diluain. Mòran taing! Only 3 days to go! If you have your own musical instrument could you please bring it along. Also, if you have an instrument belonging to Fèis, could you pleaser ensure that it is at oban primary campus at 10am Monday. This is to make sure there are enough instruments to allow everyone the best opportunity!! Looking forward to seeing you all! Thank you!
Delighted to be welcoming some new tutors to Easter Fèis this year! For pipe band snare drumming we’ve got the fantastic Grant Cassidy from the Red Hot Chilli Pipers! https://youtu.be/eR9YltOMkSY
Fèis nan Càisg : Easter Fèis INFO FOR PARENTS from our website (copies of guidance will also be emailed next week after the final booking deadline)
‼️‼️‼️‼️5 àitichean air fhàgail ‼️‼️‼️‼️ ‼️‼️ 5 places left for our Easter Fèis ‼️‼️ Please note: if you have completed payment via PayPal, your child’s place has been secured 😊