KaN Cook
Two independent Thermomix Advisors, Naazneen Britton and Katya Lamb, available to do TM5 demonstrations in your home. A warm welcome from us both to our brand new business as independent Thermomix Advisors.
The Thermomix 5 is a genius cooking gadget that we would like to introduce you to the wonders of!
And it truly is genius ....
G - Gourmet
E - Efficient
N - Nutricious
I - Inspirational
U - Utopian
S - Simple
We invite you to join us both this exciting new chapter in our lives.
If you are interested in booking a demonstration, either hosted at your house or for you to come to one of ours, you can let us know two or three dates you are available by:
* posting on our page
* emailing kancooktmx@gmail.com
* call Naaz on 07828 118470
* call Katya on 07788 668186
Maximum number of recommended guests at a demonstration is 4 (yourself plus 3 others) for one Advisor.
We can accommodate up to 8 (yourself plus 7) if both of us are available on your requested .
You can qualify for a host gift if your demonstration meets certain minimum criteria.
For April 2016, you need yourself and two other friends who would be two households new to Thermomix
There is no obligation to buy anything.
Just enjoy the experience and the very tasty food that we will cook with you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Katya & Naaz
For more information, please visit http://thermomix.vorwerk.co.uk/
Tell your friends
facebook.comSo impressed with this fabulous lady’s efforts that its a must share!!! At our first meeting, just a few weeks ago, she said she was rubbish at cooking. Thermomix teaches people to cook and builds confidence - so confidently am I in its abilities, she was lent a Thermomix. The results should be the replacement picture don’t you think? Everyone KaN Cook! Check out this delicious recipe I found on Cookidoo®: Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes https://cookidoo.co.uk/recipes/recipe/en-GB/r106282
Photos from KaN Cook's post
Awesome pictures from a lovely demo last week. This was made by a teenager who has never used a Thermomix before! No input from me required. Just watched her work and answered a couple of questions. When she realised there was no raspberry jam to sandwich with, cool as a cucumber she said “We could make some in the Thermomix as we bought too many raspberries.” So we did. The results : sublime Adapting to the hurdles in such an awesome way : priceless I love this job!
Soooo easy to make and so much cheaper than buying them. Had all the ingredients in my kitchen! Except for the very special honey - that was very kind and yummy gift from a soon to be #kancooktmx Thermomix customer! Thank you #ashandmoretonhoney! #thermomixukandireland #tm6 #thermomixlove #thermomix #crumpets #madeinmythermomix #cookidoo #foodie #foodgasm #nottinghamshire #homemadefood #lockdowncooking #moneysaver Check out this delicious recipe I found on Cookidoo®: Crumpets https://cookidoo.co.uk/recipes/recipe/en-GB/r94179
Melk Tart to melt my heart only in my Thermomix
Finally got round to making Milk Tart (otherwise known as Melk Tart to my SA family ... Nick 😁). Goodness, took me straight back to my childhood! Before I got my Thermomix, I would never make pastry and bake tarts! #melktart #cookidoo #thermomixukandireland #foodgasm #tm6 #thermomixlove #foodie
All the items sell that you don’t need when you have a Thermomix! And then there’s all the cupboard space you’ll free up too!!! Call me on 07788 668186 if you’d like to know more. Katya 🌟🌟🌟
Perfectly fluffy and separated steamed rice every time in my #thermomix #tm6 #thermomixukandireland #cookidoo #foodie #perfectrice #food #foodgasm How do you cook yours?
Best investment I’ve ever made in my kitchen and it’s still saving me over £50 per month on my food bill. I have more than one Thermomix (only because I do this for a living) and they’ve all more than paid for themselves. And the savings continue!! You can’t afford not to buy one! * Children who are eager to learn to cook (with - or without! - parents’ help) can soon be learning amazing new skills and cooking for parents * Chefs wanting to boost their Thermomix capabilities in a time where everything extra on your CV counts * Looking to save time and money * Eating more healthily * Cleans itself! ^ Cookidoo guided cooking recipe inspiration Call me if you have any questions or would like a virtual demo.
Thermomix UK and Ireland
Too good to miss! Who’s going to register?!?
Photos from KaN Cook's post
Blueberry & Lemon Spumble (sponge + crumble) ... exactly as it says on the Cookidoo tin!! And totally delicious 😋😋😋!! Like a dog meowing, this shouldn’t have worked and was hard to get my head round in theory but the result was perfect and truly scrumptious.
One of the first things my new customers has made in her TM6. Delicious!
Thermomix UK and Ireland
The brains behind what you can do with your Thermomix! Improving every week.
Chocolate Cheesecake with Marshmallow Topping! Looks amazing! And it was the first time out with the Thermomix TM6 for this incredibly talented lady.