West London Shooting School
Shooting School - Gun Fitting - Gun Room - Sporting Agency - Restaurant. Twice voted best in country. 114 years of excellence. 12 miles from central London The West London Shooting School was founded in 1901 by Richmond Watson. With the sport enjoying unprecedented popularity in Edwardian England, he identified a need to improve accuracy and style, together with correct gun-fit.
Twice voted ‘Best shooting ground in the country’, we provide tailored tuition designed to match your individual ability and help you develop your own style. Our teaching is rooted in the expert tuition of the great Percy Stanbury, but we draw on the latest sports instruction techniques to suit every shot, whether your interest is in game or clays.
Whilst the layout of the shooting grounds is essentially the same as it was in the 1930s, many improvements have been made, including the use of bunding to increase safe capacity and to accommodate popular corporate layouts. The number of traps has steadily grown to over 100 to cover all types of sporting targets and also to allow the development of the FITASC and sporting courses, usually shot over 100 clays with a guide.
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facebook.comThe West London Gun Room's winter sale is now in full swing! You can find everything from ladies shirts to shooting gloves online at www.shopforshooting.co.uk and in store at West London Gun Room. There are so many bargains to find, including this pair of R.M. Williams Craftsman Boots. They're perfect for a day out in the country or an evening in the city! R.M Williams Craftsman Boots: https://shopforshooting.co.uk/products/r-m-williams-craftsman-boots-black R.M Williams Suede Protector: https://shopforshooting.co.uk/products/rm-williams-suede-protector
What better way to entertain clients, friends or staff than a shooting party or multi-activity day at the School! We can tailor the format to suit you, from a morning, afternoon, evening event or full day. For more information on our corporate events and packages, please email chris@shootingschool.co.uk or phone 020 8845 1377 #WLSS #WestLondonShootingSchool #corporateventstailoredtoyou #corporatevents #eventsandpackages #dayoutoftheoffice #dayout #shootdays #shooting #shootingschool #shootinggrounds
The 12 Days of Christmas may of been and gone, but the festivities still continue at West London Shooting School! Join us on one of our Luxury Christmas Shoots to celebrate the beginning of a prosperous New Year! For more information, please email chris@shootingschool.co.uk or phone 020 8845 1377 #WLSS #WestLondonShootingSchool #luxurychristmasshoots #celebration #celebrate #NewYear #HappyNewYear #prosperousnewyear #corporateevents #festive #festivities #christmasisntover
Whether it’s a 16 gun day or a pre season sharpener, our simulated days are a fantastic day out. Designed for a more confident shot, the ultimate simulated day has five drives, including Cottenham Bank which is as good a High Parkland pheasant drive as one could wish for! For more information on our Simulated Game Flyer dates, please phone 020 8845 1377 or email chris@shootingschool.co.uk #WLSS #WestLondonGunRoom #simulatedgameflyerdays #gameflyerdays #simulatedgamedays #astheyshouldbe #gameflyer #gamedays #shootdays #adayinthefield #gameshooting #shooting #gameseason
What better way to be introduced into a full days shoot, then by being taught the etiquette and safety off shooting by practicing on clays, followed by an afternoon in the field. The Clay & Wing Day will include cartridges and clays for the day, instruction throughout the day, breakfast, a two course lunch, afternoon tea, two partridge drives (75 bag day) and a brace of partridge in feather to take home. £660 all inclusive. For more information please phone 020 8845 1377 or email chris@shoothingschool.co.uk #WLSS #WestLondonShootingSchool #youngshots #dayinthefield #shootday #perfectstart #flyingstart #introduction #clayandwingday #shootingetiquette #drive #partridgedrive #partridgeshooting #gameday #clayshooting #claypigeonshooting #claypigeon
West London Gun Room's Winter Sale is now on! Shop online at www.shopforshooting.co.uk and in store at West London Gun Room today, for amazing deals on shooting attire and accessories! Have a browse in West London Gun Room's best ever sale! #WLGR #WestLondonGunRoom #sale #wintersale #Januarysale #saleshopping #shopforshooting #shootattire #shootclothing #shootaccessories #countryfashion #countryclothing #shooting
From all of us here at West London Shooting School, we would like wish a very happy and prosperous New Year! #HappyNewYear #WestLondonShootingSchool
Be sure to book yourself in for a gun fit! Gun fitting is like tailoring a suit. Once you have the perfect fit, not only will you look your best, but you will feel your best too. Our gunfitters are undertaking fits every day of the week. They are highly trained and practised in achieving the perfect fit to ensure a comfortable and accurate shot placement. Call 020 8845 1377 or email reception@shootingschool.co.uk to book your gun fit
If you're joining us for a lesson today, be sure to wrap up warm. Help yourself to a well deserved tea or coffee in the Lodge, to keep the chill off after your lesson! #WestLondonShootingSchool #WLSS #ShootingSchool #ShootingGrounds #ShootingLesson #ShootingLodge #Lesson #Christmastime #FeastiveSeason #Keepthechilloff
Get yourself ready for the next season and book yourself onto the Purdey Ladies Course! Phone 020 8845 1377 now or email reception@shootingschool.co.uk to book your place! #WestLondonShootingSchool #WLSS #Purdey #PurdeyLadiesCourse #Ladieswhoshoot #Course #Shootinggrounds #Shootingschool
Warm yourself this winter, with a tipple of Foxdenton gin or vodka! You can find various flavours in store at West London Gun Room or online at www.shopforshooting.co.uk #WLGR #WestLondonGunRoom #ShopforShooting #instore #online #Foxdenton #Gin #Vodka #Winterwarmer #littletipple
Beautiful day☀️ shooting in northolt🔫🇬🇧#countryside#shooting#englishcountryside#beautiful#nature

It's been a long and exciting first week for Tilly at West London! She's ready for a nice relaxing weekend #puppy #springerspaniel

10% off at West London Gun Room today using the code: BLACKFRIDAY online and in store! www.shopforshooting.co.uk (T&Cs apply) #Christmas #gifts #blackfriday

Our gun of the week is the ex-demo Dafydd Marston Custom Built Lakelander 30 – 06, complete with Pecar G x 42 scope and modular. Priced at £1950 available from West London Gun Room 020 8845 8849, shop@shootingschool.co.uk #lakelander #rifle #gunoftheweek

Get your Christmas shopping sorted early with our great offer for Black Friday! 10% off online and in store tomorrow using the code: BLACKFRIDAY www.shopforshooting.co.uk (T&Cs apply) #blackfriday #Christmas #gifts

Don't miss out on our great offer this Friday at West London Gun Room! 10% off online and in store using the code: BLACKFRIDAY www.shopforshooting.co.uk (T&Cs apply) #blackfriday #Christmas #gifts

There must be something interesting over there! Tilly is learning the ropes on reception today #puppy #springerspaniel

Great gift ideas for him this Christmas! Available in store or online at www.shopforshooting.co.uk #Christmas #gifts #giftsforhim

A marvelous day with the team clay shooting. #countrylife #clayshoot #competitiontime #friends #dreamteam

Early Saturday morning fun #shooting #clay #London

Lock Stock & 2 smoking Barrels #bestfriends @neeshie148


Pups first day meeting her new West London family #pitterpatterofpuppypaws #springerspainel #puppy

They call him the duck whisperer 🐓

Our gun of the week is the new Beretta 690 Field III 20 gauge, 30” barrels, multi choke, 14 7/8” stock. Priced at £2240 available at West London Gun Room 020 8845 8849, shop@shootingschool.co.uk #beretta #engraving #shotgun #gunoftheweek
